Caustic Blood - does the 2nd round damage stack?

Rules Questions

Link to spell, for reference.

So Caustic Blood not only deals acid damage to anyone who attacks you, but it has ongoing damage: for 1 round after, it deals half damage again, complete with a 2nd saving throw to negate it.

So the question: I have a high-level barbarian who just wants to "soak" the damage. The barbarian, not knowing that there will be extra damage on round 2, spends round 1 in full attack on me. He eats 3 Caustic Blood sprays. He lives. HOWEVER, on round 2 he's only going to survive if the residual effect is a one-time group thing. If he has 3 effects (one from each hit), he ded.

What do you think? And do you know of any relevant rules that would make going one way or the other "official"?

Silver Crusade

well, my answer would be, if someone quickened acid arrow, would you allow the additional damage on the following round to stack.

But remember they get a reflex save to avoid that secondary damage entirely.

It's not bleed damage; if it recurs it's just damage, and damage stacks.

The second reflex save might save him though as Rorek says.

I would treat it as 3 individual instance. so 3 initial reflex saves and then 3 more saves on round 2. (I feel bad for that barbarian)

TxSam88 wrote:
I feel bad for that barbarian

It's still a save against a spell, so Superstition applies. If the player tries to do a "shrugs things off" Barb without Superstition, that on them.

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