breaching pod question

Rules Questions

The breaching pod description states that it travels in the same way as a long range tracking weapon. My question is would a starship weapon with the point special ability be able to target/eliminate the breaching pod as it would a normal missile launched at the vessel with said weapon?

Jason Duncan 264 wrote:
The breaching pod description states that it travels in the same way as a long range tracking weapon. My question is would a starship weapon with the point special ability be able to target/eliminate the breaching pod as it would a normal missile launched at the vessel with said weapon?

Absolutely, but of course just make sure to add the Plot Armor to the AC of actual players at the table. ;)

My initial inclination: if the player *really* wants to use a breaching pod, they certainly can, and if its part of decently thoughtful and appropriate plan, then I would offer some hedge factor. A successful point defense shot will definitely *stop* the attempted boarding, but it won't automatically kill the PC. They'll probably be stranded floating in space surrounded by the wreckage of their breaching pod and dependent on their own armor's life support, but they'll be alive.

This is *not* a mercy I would normally grant to most NPCs, mind. Your more typical ( and much lower CR ) space marine is probably going to die if their pod gets hit.

Metaphysician wrote:

This is *not* a mercy I would normally grant to most NPCs, mind. Your more typical ( and much lower CR ) space marine is probably going to die if their pod gets hit.

In a Warhammer 40K story, if a breaching pod is destroyed, it's assumed that all of the marines die, but folks like primarchs and their elite entourage would just blast through the wreckage and land on the enemy ship with their magboots, because they're just that impressive. I'd give PCs the opportunity for similar heroics, just because they're supposed to be the Big Damn Heroes.

Dracomicron wrote:
Metaphysician wrote:

This is *not* a mercy I would normally grant to most NPCs, mind. Your more typical ( and much lower CR ) space marine is probably going to die if their pod gets hit.
In a Warhammer 40K story, if a breaching pod is destroyed, it's assumed that all of the marines die, but folks like primarchs and their elite entourage would just blast through the wreckage and land on the enemy ship with their magboots, because they're just that impressive. I'd give PCs the opportunity for similar heroics, just because they're supposed to be the Big Damn Heroes.

I mean, sure, if the PCs are level 18 heroes, I'd probably do likewise. I just don't assume that all PCs are super high level, so my rules-of-thumb also have to account for if some level 3 heroes decide to do the same thing.

Metaphysician wrote:

I mean, sure, if the PCs are level 18 heroes, I'd probably do likewise. I just don't assume that all PCs are super high level, so my rules-of-thumb also have to account for if some level 3 heroes decide to do the same thing.

Well, the players of level 3 heroes still like to feel like badasses, and they're literally the main characters of the story, so... yeah... still would give them a shot at it regardless of level.

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Dracomicron wrote:
Well, the players of level 3 heroes still like to feel like badasses, and they're literally the main characters of the story, so... yeah... still would give them a shot at it regardless of level.

That's fair. I'm thinking "PCs now on free ballistic trajectory at the hull of the enemy ship" and their tools for dealing with that will vary by level. Level 3 PCs may come up with something clever, or may now have their goals shifted to "get out of this mess alive" which can also be an interesting session.

Dracomicron wrote:
Metaphysician wrote:

I mean, sure, if the PCs are level 18 heroes, I'd probably do likewise. I just don't assume that all PCs are super high level, so my rules-of-thumb also have to account for if some level 3 heroes decide to do the same thing.
Well, the players of level 3 heroes still like to feel like badasses, and they're literally the main characters of the story, so... yeah... still would give them a shot at it regardless of level.

Just because they want to feel like badasses does not magically make them more powerful or competent than they actually are. Level 3 characters are competent enough, but not all heroes are created equal, nor are equally capable of taking on the same challenges.

I agree that for most groups, PCs wanting to all cram into one boarding pod would be a 'are you sure?' moment.

I wouldn't just say 'you got hit, TPK' either if they did get hit, but I'd probably roll some lvl++ trap damage and if it kills some/all the characters, so be it. Then I'd try and figure out what happens to the survivors.

The higher the level of the PCs, the higher chance they have of surviving that big hit of damage of course.

I think of it like a TV show. If all the main characters climbed into a single pod, no matter what, that pod ain't blowing up with no survivors.

Storytelling demands that they be given a chance. Whether that's getting to the hull of the enemy ship via inertia, or being captured (I do love me a good prisoner episode), that's up to the GM and the best idea of what the group would enjoy.

Storytelling demands that the players be given a chance, but that chance should sometimes consist of the GM going "So, this plan you are intending to do is ludicrously dangerous. Do you really want to take this action which will probably kill all your characters, yes or no?"

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I generally don't let my players die from bad choices unless they are tired of their characters, or it will be suitably epic.

That's my gaming philosophy.

Mind you, I've never run Call of Cthulhu.

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