Ranger Snare Specialist build


Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I went looking for a Ranger Snare Specialist build and couldn't find one, so I made one.

I made the choice to downplay DPS choices in favor of the Snares line of feats and the Monster Hunter line of feats. What do you think?


[color=red]RANGER SNARE SPECIALIST[/color]

Ancestry: Kobold (Venomtail Kobold)
Ancestry Feat: Snare Setter
Background: Tinker
Class: Ranger (Dexterity-based)
Hunter’s Edge: Precision
Initial Class Feat: Monster Hunter
Initial Ability Scores: STR: 14; DEX:18 ; CON:8 ; INT:14 ; WIS:14 ; CHA:12
Initial Skills: Trained in Acrobatics, Arcana, Crafting, Engineering Lore, Intimidation, Nature, Religion, Stealth, Survival, Thievery

2nd: Skill Feat: Terrain Stalker (Rubble); Class Feat: Hunter’s Aim
3rd: General Feat: Fleet; Expert in Crafting
4th: Skill Feat: Terrain Stalker (Underbrush); Class Feat: Snare Specialist
.....Snare Specialist Formulas: Biting Snare, Hobbling Snare, Trip Snare
5th: Ability Boosts: STR, DEX, CON, INT; Ancestry Feat: Snare Genius; Expert in Nature; Trained in Society
6th: Skill Feat: Magical Crafting; Class Feat: Quick Snares
.....Snare Specialist Formulas: Nauseating Snare, Signalling Snare, Warning Snare
7th: General Feat: Untrained Improvisation; Master in Crafting
8th: Skill Feat: Inventor; Class Feat: Powerful Snares
9th: Ancestry Feat: Dracomancer; Master in Nature
.....Dracomancer Spells: true strike, see invisibility
10th: Ability Boosts: STR, DEX, INT, WIS; Skill Feat: Trick Magic Item; Class Feat: Monster Warden; Trained in Athletics
11th: General Feat: Incredible Scout; Expert in Survival
12th: Skill Feat: Impeccable Crafting; Class Feat: Lightning Snares
13th: Ancestry Feat: Elite Dracomancer; Master in Survival
.....Dracomancer Spells: locate, dimension door
14th: Skill Feat: Planar Survival; Class Feat: Master Monster Hunter
15th: Ability Boosts: STR, DEX, INT, WIS; General Feat: Craft Anything; Legendary in Crafting
.....Snare Specialist Formulas: Grasping Snare, Scything Blade Snare, Stunning Snare
16th: Skill Feat: Influence Nature; Class Feat: Ubiquitous Snares
17th: Ancestry Feat:Kobold Breath ; Legendary in Nature
18th: Skill Feat: Skill Training (Diplomacy); Class Feat: Legendary Monster Hunter
19th: General Feat: True Perception; Legendary in Survival
20th: Ability Boosts: STR, DEX, INT, WIS; Class Feat: Impossible Snares; Skill Feat: Legendary Survivalist; Trained in Medicine
.....Note: Honestly, I think I’d rather have Perfect Shot or Ultimate Skirmisher than Impossible Snares, but this -is- a snare-crafting build, so it stays.

Final Hit Points: 206
Final Unarmored AC: 42
Final Ability Scores: STR:20; DEX: 22; CON: 10; INT: 20; WIS: 18; CHA: 12

The build works, but I would alternate some STR and INT (So you finish them with 18 each) stats boosts to put more stuff on CON.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Fair enough. Do you like the focus on Monster Hunter or would you use those feats for DPS?

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