Once we all get our shots, who of you good folks are going to GenCon in September ?

Paizo General Discussion

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Cause I am !!!

Grand Lodge

Hard to say. Too much still undecided. In order to limit attendance they may have to make badges a lottery item and then open hotel space based on people who officially won a badge. Though that may not impact publishers from controlling their volunteer crew which could make volunteering for org play a highly sought after prospect.

And there is no way of knowing what the international travel situation might be which would significantly impact participation outside the US.

They might actually benefit from being in Indiana since it is a very conservative state. Meaning (right or wrong) they tend to be resistant to regulations that restrict business and trend towards market freedom over public health in a broad sense. Though with the more socially conscious segment of the gaming community that in and of itself might be cause not to attend. there has long been a subtle rift between the gaming hierarchy ever since it moved to Seattle and Gen Con since it moved to Indianapolis.

There is a lot of hubub whether or not a person can be forced to demonstrate vaccination given HIPPA laws. Similar to how a person with a respiratory condition is not required to prove they have one in order to claim it as a reason to receive reasonable accommodation for entry to a public space.

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baron arem heshvaun wrote:
Cause I am !!!

I am planning on going as well, although I do think turnout will be lower - WHICH IS AWESOME!!!!

Unfortunately the hotel/local rentals have already shot their prices through the roof...price gouging as usual.

Grand Lodge

That’s usually where the hotel lottery comes in, but it’s a pretty enormous crap shoot

TwilightKnight wrote:
That’s usually where the hotel lottery comes in, but it’s a pretty enormous crap shoot

I was trying to do an ABnB a few blocks away. I plan on enjoying the whole con, no volunteering for the 1st time in 10 years.

Liberty's Edge

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Too so for me - the public health situation is just still too dicey.

Grand Lodge

Between the health crisis and the number of reports I've read about AirBnb, I'll take my chances with the lottery. If we don't "win" a room, definitely not going. Would be a shame missing live Gen Con for the first time since '04, but these are special times we live in

It's not going to be online again this year? I was under the impression that it was.


The earliest con I'm even considering attending in-person this year is PAX Unplugged, which is in December. And even that's a "maybe" depending on what the health situation is.

And this is coming from someone who's already fully vaccinated.

Haladir wrote:


The earliest con I'm even considering attending in-person this year is PAX Unplugged, which is in December. And even that's a "maybe" depending on what the health situation is.

And this is coming from someone who's already fully vaccinated.

If your vaccine works against all the mutations and variants that emerge from the evolutionary swamp that is a partially-vaccinated pool of humans.

I am unsure. Probably not going to any conventions any time soon.

Grand Lodge

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Steelbro300 wrote:
It's not going to be online again this year? I was under the impression that it was.

According to their email, the convention will be both live and online so you should be able to participate even if you aren’t going to Indy

Radiant Oath

I'm worried that the social distancing will mean no huddling around tables. It might be more show and less play.

Grand Lodge

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It would be pretty challenging to have a gaming convention without any gaming

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I don't see GenCon in my cards regardless of the situation for awhile. I'd guess I'm not going to be in attendance of any cons for awhile anyway.

The Exchange

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If I can volunteer to run games for Paizo again at GENCON then I will be running games for Paizo at GENCON! Hopefully both Specials again and as many slots as I can sanely run. I will be running games at Farmaggedon in April and planning on running games at GameholeCon in October. Ready to get back to normal the normal Con circuit again!

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I'll be going to Gameholecon this year.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I'll definitely be there for the online version.

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