Do complex hazards suffer from multiple attack penalty?

Rules Discussion

If a complex hazard's routine gives it 3 actions per turn, and each action is to make a ranged attack at a certain bonus, does it make 3 attacks at that bonus or does it suffer a multiple attack penalty on the second 2 attacks?

Liberty's Edge

Unless the hazards for it, usually no.

I think you forgot a word or two there?

I'm also pretty sure the answer is 'generally yes' - I didn't find any general rule that hazards don't suffer from MAP, and numerous hazards spell out in their descriptions that they don't, which seems unnecessary if that's already how they all work.

That said, the number of hazards that do say they don't take MAP seems pretty large, so it's important to always check the description of the particular hazard to be sure.

I'm looking specifically at the Acidic Needle Launcher from here. Although, I see what you're saying about other hazards specifically calling out that they don't suffer from MAP, or that they have the agile trait. So I guess this one probably does have the full -5/-10.

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Almost all the ones that don't suffer from MAP can't hit the same person twice in a round. The one you linked has random targeting, but could focus fire a single target if only one person in the targeted area, which makes sense for ensuring it suffers from MAP normally.

Sovereign Court

Yeah it's a common design pattern that monster and hazard abilities that imply more than 3 attacks, like hydra heads or a turret that fires hundreds of arrows at once, can attack lots of people all at once, and apply the MAP only afterwards. Making it a threat to the whole party but not grossly unfair focus-firing on a single member.

Liberty's Edge

FowlJ wrote:

I think you forgot a word or two there?

I'm also pretty sure the answer is 'generally yes' - I didn't find any general rule that hazards don't suffer from MAP, and numerous hazards spell out in their descriptions that they don't, which seems unnecessary if that's already how they all work.

That said, the number of hazards that do say they don't take MAP seems pretty large, so it's important to always check the description of the particular hazard to be sure.

Opps, I did. Sorry

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