Diablo 2: Resurrected

Video Games

Liberty's Edge

Official reveal trailer.

Cross progression with consoles. I hope this does'nt end up like a Wargraft 3 restored situation. Diablo 2 was the game that I bought my first PC for back in the day.

Yeah D2 was the standard for me, especially as my friends and I did LAN parties in various homes.

Scarab Sages

Seems like it could be cool. Since they still haven't said when D4 is coming out, this might be nice to fall back on as something to play (again), when (if) I finish Kingmaker.

Having played the original D2 relatively recently, I can say it absolutely holds up even in 2021 and I have no desire to pay Blizzard money for it a second time. Especially not $40 for what seems to amount to a fancy graphics skin over the original game I bought for $10.

Scarab Sages

Cellion wrote:
...and I have no desire to pay Blizzard money for it a second time.

I'm....torn. On the one hand, I'm of your opinion. Why pay money for a game I still have and occasionally play. On the other hand, my boy was really excited about it, and really wants to play that game with me the way we played D3 together.

My path forward might be to either let him save up his money and buy it if he wants to, wait to see if it eventually gets a marked down price at Gamestop (or somewhere similar), or a little of both.

Some folks have never played it and might appreciate the graphics upgrade. 40 bucks isnt a lot of money for the amount of hours someone is going to get out of it. Considering inflation, video games are some of the absolute best bargains. /shrug

40 dollars for two games basically isn't too bad, considering it cost me 50 for D2 back in the day.

Scarab Sages

Planpanther wrote:
Some folks have never played it and might appreciate the graphics upgrade. 40 bucks isnt a lot of money for the amount of hours someone is going to get out of it. Considering inflation, video games are some of the absolute best bargains. /shrug

Hell, I've played the game countless times, and would still appreciate the graphics upgrade (among some of the other improvements I've heard about).

And, yeah, video games can be pretty awesome in the "bang for your buck". I think the only thing better is books, though it might depend on the book.

Liberty's Edge

If the game gets the loving touch of a respectful remaster -
If the game is given a PROPER and FREE Online multiplayer system for both battle.net friends as well as with random lobbies -
If the game runs on my laptop...

I'll buy it. I must have sunk 5000 plus hours in this game in my youth and I'd happily pay them to make a modern and faithful recreation of it without tainting it with microtransactions.

For me, it is absolutely worth the money to have it on my switch.

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Brings back memories of grinding, trying to get a set of armor and ending up with 1 part of 6 sets.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

"Do you guys not have phones?"

I'll wait and see.

Liberty's Edge

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Release Date Trailer

September 23, 2021.

I heard if you have an original game save file, it will run on the new game.

Scarab Sages

Sweet! My boy played through D3 with me, and loved it. He'd also seen me play a bit through D2 on the computer, and he got really excited when I told him they were releasing this updated version.

Liberty's Edge

I heard they are adding something called an auction house.


I just hope they kept the 'oh s&*&* factor of when it was like hundred of minions before you ever got close to a mini-boss, much less the main boss.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

The creator of Diablo speaks talks about creating Diablo 1.

Scarab Sages

I bought this yesterday for the PS4. The new graphics are pretty cool, although they do seem to twitch a bit every now and then (mostly when jumping back through a town portal to where you were exploring).

The controls are a bit of a learning curve, but I like the way they did them so far.

Otherwise, it’s the same kick ass game it always was.

I just want to do a Nightmare run with paladins again...

Scarab Sages

The two biggest disappointments so far:

One - The only improvement to the inventory system was to make it so you could share between characters. Otherwise, it’s as crappy as originally conceived.

Two - you can only play by being connected to your Battlenet account, which makes it impossible for my boy to play. For now, at least.

If you have multiple characters that means it is easier to mule?

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

Aberzombie wrote:

The two biggest disappointments so far:

One - The only improvement to the inventory system was to make it so you could share between characters. Otherwise, it’s as crappy as originally conceived.

Which IIRC Diablo II also already had that in the form of some kind of chest system (in a later patch), so nothing majorly changed, then? Maybe I'm conflating this with systems in other similar games but I'm pretty sure Diablo II did it first.


Two - you can only play by being connected to your Battlenet account, which makes it impossible for my boy to play. For now, at least.

Then that's a massive nope for me. But then, I haven't bought a Blizzard game... well, since Diablo 2, come to think of it, because of questionable business practices that either are predatory toward their customers or just are otherwise icky I refuse to support.

But oh look, I just realized Torchlight III is out and I can get it on my Switch since my PC is antiquated and I'm too lazy/busy saving money for other stuff to upgrade it.

Or I can just go back and play Torchlight I or II or play Titan's Quest (which had some relatively recent updates). All of which I heartily recommend if you have not played and have an itch that something Diablo-II-like can scratch. I especially recommend Torchlight II (very similar feel to Diablo II, IIRC made by some of the same devs, with coop options, inventory share between characters) and Titan's Quest (again very similar gameplay but this one with Greek (and with DLCs other) Mythology theme.

I stopped buying Blizzard stuff after they started focusing more on WoW than other stuff. Not that I didn't like Warcraft, but you know...WoW was/is problematic for some of us.

Scarab Sages

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Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

The original Warcraft and Warcraft II were lots of fun. It was the WoW that ruined it for me.

I wanted to play Warcraft III but never got the chance...

Scarab Sages

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Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Be glad you missed it.
Warcraft III was nothing more that a WoW preview.

Liberty's Edge

Charles Scholz wrote:

Be glad you missed it.

Warcraft III was nothing more that a WoW preview.

I don't think I've ever heard that before and I'm not sure I could agree... different strokes though I suppose, after all, I did dump something like 3000+ hours into WoW as a teen.


You say so. I still wouldn't have mind a few hours of trying it out.


I mean I didn't much enjoy Starcraft II...

I'll agree 100% with Charles.

Scarab Sages

Something else I’ve noticed about Resurrected, and I can’t remember if it was like this in the original version - when you have Cain identify magic items, it won’t work for things in your Horadric Cube. I could have sworn it used to not be that way. I might, however, be slightly crazy.

Scarab Sages

After some time away from the game, I picked back up with it today.

And promptly had a suspicion about the PS4 confirmed - for some games it will occasionally s*%! the bed and kick you out, often losing varying amounts of progress in the process.

Until today, I thought it only happened with Pathfinder: Kingmaker.

And I had just beaten Mephisto.

Sorry to hear that, A-zombie.

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Warcraft III was one of my definitively favorite games of all times so I'd disagree there. I probably put 2000+ hours into just Dota in the old days and another 2000+ hours into all the other custom games to play in the Warcraft editor.

If you wanna know a good game with a similar feel and tone to Diablo 2 though, I'd recommend Grim Dawn. It's pretty good especially with the expansions they came out with.

Thanks Scavion. I might look into that.

Scarab Sages

Another something I’ve noticed about the game is the new shared stash gets fidgety sometimes. Things will disappear from it randomly.

Ok AZ, thanks for confirming both of those; I thought I was going crazy with the PS4.

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