Dinosaur Scenarios - 1st Edition

Pathfinder Society

2/5 *

I've got some young nephews into to dinosaurs. Can anyone recommend some 1st Edition Scenarios that has a dinosaur theme?

Grand Lodge 4/5 ** Venture-Agent, Colorado—Denver

For a nice mini-campaign, I would like to suggest
The Scions of the Sky Key arc. Especially part 2, which has an epic encounter with a dinosaur.

From the author, Robert Brookes:
"I've really enjoyed working on this scenario. Writing it involved channeling the spirit of old Lucas Arts Indiana Jones adventure games (Fate of Atlantis, specifically) as well as the 1930's flick Stanley and Livingstone. There's also a dash of Skull Island vibe from King Kong, too."


There's a dinosaur encounter in 10-18 (Daughter's Due) but it's not a dinosaur theme.

Sky Key Part 2 is the best one I know of and definitely fits the theme.

There's an old D&D adventure called "Isle of Dread" that's all dinosaurs, if you're up for the conversion. Obviously not Society, though.


I think a dinosaur appeared in 5-20 (The Sealed Gate) somewhere, but that adventure is a bit of a player killer.

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

What's that scenario where you're chased by a T-Rex? In the jungle?

That is a pretty epic encounter, even if the scenario itself is not particularly dinosaur "themed".

Grand Lodge 4/5 ** Venture-Agent, Colorado—Denver

Nefreet wrote:

What's that scenario where you're chased by a T-Rex? In the jungle?

That is a pretty epic encounter, even if the scenario itself is not particularly dinosaur "themed".

Scions of the Sky Key part 2.

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

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Dark Archive 4/5 *** Venture-Lieutenant, Finland—Turku

Not a scenario, but the Serpent's Skull adventure path has a decent amount of dinosaurs in it at various points if I recall correctly - at least it had when we played through it but I'm not sure how much our GM added stuff to it- , and you can easily add more/replace existing encounters with dinosaurs. It's also a sort of Indiana Jones style adventure, tracking down a lost city and so on.

4/5 5/55/55/5 Venture-Lieutenant, Washington—Everett

there's a T-rex in 5-10(its on the cover) generally speaking dinosaurs on golarion are found in the Mwangi expanse and the Realm of the Mammoth Lords, so scenarios set in those areas might be a good place to start looking.

Grand Archive 4/5 ****

Several of the Blakros Museum scenarios have dinosaurs in at least one of the sub tiers.

The Exchange 4/5 5/5

Nathan Monson wrote:
there's a T-rex in 5-10(its on the cover) generally speaking dinosaurs on golarion are found in the Mwangi expanse and the Realm of the Mammoth Lords, so scenarios set in those areas might be a good place to start looking.

The fight against that T-rex is still one of my all-time favorite "we're overpowered and we know it, so let's just do fun stuff instead of pulling out the nukes" stories.

GM: So you guys spent all that time setting up an ill-omened, misfortuned, persistent spell. Roll four times and take the lowest. And you're choosing color spray? You know this thing has like a bazillion hit dice, right?
Players: Yep. There's no upper limit on the stun part of color spray. And if you're stunned you drop whatever you are holding. Like the bard in his mouth.

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

Best use of Harsk's badger, ever.

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