Junksword: Weapon Type?

Rules Questions

8 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

Hoping we'll get an official answer this time around since it wasn't in the v3 rulebook.

For purposes of, say, Weapon Focus, what would be the type of a Junksword? Or would you just take Weapon Focus (Junksword) and call it a day? Or does Weapon Focus not apply to it at all?

Officially, like RAW, weapon focus doesn't apply. But you could apply versatile focus technically.

But I'll definitely smack that FAQ on this!

Junksword is a Technomancer-only spell, so... pretty sure it's a Basic Melee weapon.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

That logic doesn't hold up. Junksword does not define itself as any weapon category. It does not default to Basic Melee because all technomancers are proficient with Basic Melee. Instead, the text of the spell simply declares that the caster is automatically proficient with the junksword.

Yeah... It'd be convenient if it was a basic melee, but the issue is that as it's written, it's nothing. It's not even in the special weapon category.

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Junk Sword: You are automatically proficient with this melee weapon, and you add 1-1/2 times your caster level to damage rolls with it (in place of a Weapon Specialization bonus). A junksword functions only for its creator, and once created it cannot leave your hand. Should you wish to sheathe it, the junksword obliges by collapsing into a wreath of junk that surrounds your hand like a glove.

I do agree that Weapon Focus wouldn't apply to this, but versatile focus would.

Yeah, but that seems like a bit of a silly end result. I agree with how the RAW plays out, that versatile focus would work but weapon focus wouldn't. It seems like you should be able to choose a weapon focus that would apply to it, it's just that isn't categorized.


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I ended up taking Versatile Focus as well.

It might be intended that Junksword is untyped to futureproof against unintended combinations.

What could combo with junksword that weapon focus would enable that would be broken, but wouldn't apply to other melee weapons?

I mean, I guess something could be created that would fit that category, but I don't see it.

Claxon wrote:

What could combo with junksword that weapon focus would enable that would be broken, but wouldn't apply to other melee weapons?

I think he's saying that if they assigned it a weapon category, like basic weapon, just so that it can get a weapon focus it might combo with other things down the line that they don't want or anticipate.

For example the Devastator Mystic can burn spell slots to increase accuracy and damage with basic weapons and small arms only. And with the magic student archetype whose name I always forget they can get an off list spell. Combining that with junksword doesn't actually seem like a problem, but it's the sort of interaction neither designer was probably anticipating when either ability was written, so if were a problem not assigning a weapon category to it would have prevented it.

I mean, yeah I see your example but again I don't think that specific example is a problem.

I guess my point is, a junk sword isn't much stronger than any basic melee weapon you could buy. It's really just on par with other by having 1 1/2 level to damage.

So, anything that would be broken with a junksword, would also be broken with any other basic melee weapon as far as I can see.

Claxon wrote:

I mean, yeah I see your example but again I don't think that specific example is a problem.

I guess my point is, a junk sword isn't much stronger than any basic melee weapon you could buy. It's really just on par with other by having 1 1/2 level to damage.

So, anything that would be broken with a junksword, would also be broken with any other basic melee weapon as far as I can see.

Sure. And you can add reach. Realistically, til the early teens anyway, it's a solid option. Saving loads of credits and keeping on par with ease. Around about 12 or so it's time to get rid of it though lol... When it stops scaling as well.

Plus, you become like a solarian in that you can't really be without a weapon.

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