Ways a group of PCs could "earn" a Remove Curse spell from a spellcaster


I have a level 4 party with a cursed party member who needs a (50gp) remove curse

The rulebook suggests such services are "Uncommon" and a spellcaster needs to be found

What sort of very minor quests could I put this service behind? I'd rather it not just have it be something they walk into a temple and buy

The party are in the Vidrian / Garundi coast area - destined for the Shackles (if that makes any difference to potential ideas)

I have had a look at some of the quests but none look like they work (and this group already played some before the campaign). I have noted that lots of the pre-written stuff in PFS is very lore focused so seems trickier to re-skin (or at least the 2E stuff)

I wouldn't want this to be a major detraction (perhaps 2-3 hours at most). But as mentioned I don't really want this to be the case of handing over gold

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With mysticy stuff like that I try to make things more meaningful than difficult. Do something that implys they are destined for something more. So they ask around and directed to the local witch (by reputation not class necessarily). She needs a special ingrediant for her current project (feather, sea weed, creature part etc.) which will lead to a small encounter of some sort but fairly easy. Along the way however they would get a chance to help a local. Missing child, womnan being attacked, etc. Something hero light. Again though, not a hard combat, something quick and simple. But then, in your example, that would turn out to be the child/wife of a ship captain that is now friendly to them and cuts them a discount or offers free travel to the shackles for what they did. Some side benefit that makes it appear the 'witch' knew it would help them more than they helped her or some such. My 2 cents :)

Liberty's Edge

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Every spellcaster worth their salt and guano has an attic/basement/pocket-dimension that is in desperate need of tidying up, dusting, or delousing and just not enough time or motivation to actually get around to doing it themselves.

"I don't know how those dire rats/oozes/mephits/poppets/bloody skeletons ended up in there in the first place but I have a very important trunk full of old clothes that I need for the celestial alignment and it's making it a real headache."

I like both these ideas.

It helps that remove curse is on the occult list so the caster can be connected to some weirder stuff and odd ritual like items might make more sense than a cleric

Although a cleric of gozreh might have some weird elemental things hanging about

Themetricsystem wrote:

Every spellcaster worth their salt and guano has an attic/basement/pocket-dimension that is in desperate need of tidying up, dusting, or delousing and just not enough time or motivation to actually get around to doing it themselves.

"I don't know how those dire rats/oozes/mephits/poppets/bloody skeletons ended up in there in the first place but I have a very important trunk full of old clothes that I need for the celestial alignment and it's making it a real headache."

My desk looked like that before I moved. So where are my spells?

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