Referencing PF1 material in PF2 3PP

Advice and Rules Questions

Sovereign Court

When looking at using material from PF1 that has not been brought into PF2 yet (say for sake of argument, outer dragons), how would a 3PP reference that in the OGL blurb at the end? Is it:

A) Just use the PF1 OGL paragraph
B) Not do anything but the PF2 core blurb
C) something else?

I just want to make sure that if/when I make something based on or referring to such things that they are correctly identified.

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Ellias Aubec wrote:

When looking at using material from PF1 that has not been brought into PF2 yet (say for sake of argument, outer dragons), how would a 3PP reference that in the OGL blurb at the end? Is it:

A) Just use the PF1 OGL paragraph
B) Not do anything but the PF2 core blurb
C) something else?

I just want to make sure that if/when I make something based on or referring to such things that they are correctly identified.

I am not a lawyer, but if you're using a thing from book A under the OGL, you need to incorporate book A's entire Section 15 in your own Section 15, even if the thing you're incorporating is not actually one of the things book A is taking from another book.

So, for example, let's say I'm writing a PF2 adventure and want to include a hala demon, from The Brinewall Legacy (I'm assuming it hasn't been included in any Bestiaries or other sources). Then my adventure has to include the entire section 15 from The Brinewall Legacy: the OGL itself, the SRD, five separate Tome of Horrors entries, and the Brinewall Legacy itself (interestingly enough, section 15 in the adventure doesn't include any actual Pathfinder references beyond the adventure itself).

Note that even though I'm not using e.g. the Dire Corby, which is one of the section 15 entries in the original adventure, I still have to include "Dire Corby from the Tome of Horrors, Revised. © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author: Scott Greene, based on original material by Jeff Wyndham." in my section 15.

We've actually referenced some of our own PF1 books in the manner Staffan is talking about (citing it in our section 15).

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