Looking for Player to Join Community


We use Fantasy Grounds
FG License: Regular (Player will have to have own Fantasy Grounds)
Game System:Pathfinder and Starfinder

Time Zone: Central
Day of week and time: Normally Saturdays/Sundays
Planned Duration & Frequency:We currently have One Shots that run once a month, extending to twice month (and more) as we grow
Term: forever

Text or Voice:Voice
Voice software used: Discord
Will this be recorded and/or live streamed? : Potentially recorded in the future

Roleplay & Combat mix: One Shots 20/80 if we start a new campaign (our community is running two atm but they are full) it's closer to 50/50
Number of Players in game & needed: 1 artist
Character starting level & equipment: NA
Character restrictions: NA

Details of your scenario:
I have been a tabletop gamer/DM for over a decade (mostly on and off until these last 2 years) and have recently started to slowly build a community. Before I really make everything go public I am looking for 1 person interested in Paizo table top games looking to grow their art skills as well as expand their portfolio.

So essentially you want an immortal illustrator? Undead graphic designer?

LandSwordBear wrote:
So essentially you want an immortal illustrator? Undead graphic designer?

LOL. Sorry about the format of my post XD I made this post originally on FG and copy and pasted it here. I am working on setting up a community within discord that will be running a few campaigns along with other things. But before I can really start to push that community forward into the public I am build the backend. Thus I need someone with artistic talent. So yes an Undead Graphic Designer or Immortal Illustrator would be great!

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You should rename this post, "Looking for Artist to Do Free Work".

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