Lioz |
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"Benefit: Choose one type of ranged weapon. You do not provoke attacks of opportunity when firing the selected weapon while threatened."
Greetings I have a question with this feat, does having it not cause AoO at any time when attacking with a ranged weapon while you are threatened or does it only work when you use that feat against the enemy that is threatening you?
My doubt arises in the situation if I am threatened and attack an enemy from a distance.
Claxon |
Well, it's not provoking an attack of opportunity at that point.
They've readied an action and if the trigger occurs they get to do their thing.
That's not really any different than them making an attack while standing adjacent to you.
If anything, it's kind of worse for them because it doesn't give you any sort of penalty to the attack roll and since readying an action costs a standard and only allows a single attack they're likely making less attacks against you by readying than they could otherwise.