VoodistMonk |
She'd like us to believe it, and it's on that that she bases her claim to be Queen. But she's no Daughter of Eve. She comes of your father Adam's ... first wife, her they called Lilith. And she was one of the Jinn. That's what she comes from on one side. And on the other she comes of the giants. No, no, there isn't a drop of real Human blood in the Witch. (8.35)
Winter Hag CR 22? (23 w/ gear?)
XP 614,400 (819,200 w/ gear?)
CE Medium monstrous humanoid (cold)
Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft., see invisibility, snow vision; Perception +29
AC 22, touch 13, flat-footed 19 (+3 Dex, +9 natural)
hp 275 (10d10+10d6+10d6+150) 30HD
Fort +16, Ref +16, Will +23
DR 10/magic; Immune cold; SR 18
Weaknesses vulnerable to fire
30 ft.
+2 frost quarterstaff +24/+19/+14/+9
(1d6+5 plus 1d6 cold) or 2 claws +22 (1d4+2)
Special Attacks
breath weapon (30-ft. cone, 4d6 cold and blinded for 1d6 rounds, Reflex DC 32 partial, usable every 1d4 round)
Spell-Like Abilities
(CL 10th; concentration +14)
Constant—pass without trace, see invisibility
At will—chill metal (DC 16), detect magic, fog cloud, frostbite, whispering wind
3/day—alter self, charm monster (DC 18), invisibility (self only), major image (DC 17)
1/day—cone of cold (DC 19; see ice staff), control weather (windy or cold weather only), wall of ice (DC 18), waves of fatigue
Str 15, Dex 16, Con 20,
Int 24, Wis 15, Cha 18
Base Atk +20;
CMB +22;
CMD 35
Ability Focus, Accursed Hex, Alertness, Blind-Fight, Combat Casting, Deceitful, Great Fortitude, Split Hex
Bluff +21, Craft (alchemy) +20, Diplomacy +9, Disguise +21, Fly +21, Heal +12, Intimidate +17, Knowledge (arcana) +25, Knowledge (history) +25, Knowledge (nature) +25, Knowledge (nobility) +25, Knowledge (planes) +25, Perception +29, Ride +11, Sense Motive +16, Spellcraft +25, Stealth +26 (+30 in snow), Survival +10, UMD +22;
Racial Modifiers
+4 Stealth in snow
Aklo, Common, Giant
ice staff, icewalking
Breath Weapon (Su)
A creature that successfully saves against the Jadis’s breath weapon takes half damage and is not blinded.
Ice Staff (Su)
Once per week, Jadis can perform an hour-long ritual to create a staff made of black ice that is as hard as steel and functions as a +2 frost quarterstaff. While Jadis is holding her ice staff can use cone of cold once per day as a spell-like ability. The staff melts after 1 week.
Icewalking (Ex)
This ability works like the spider climb spell, but the surfaces she climbs must be icy. Jadis can move across icy surfaces without penalty and doesn’t need to make Acrobatics checks to run or charge on ice.
Snow Vision (Ex)
Jadis can see perfectly well in snowy conditions and doesn’t take any penalties on Perception checks while in snow.
Environment cold forests or plains
Organization solitary, patrol (1 clone plus 1 winter wolf), or coven (3 hags of any type)
Treasure unique
When Jadis joins a coven, the coven adds sculpt simulacrum and simulacrum to its spell-like abilities, and any member within 1 mile of Jadis gains icewalking and snow vision.
An extraordinarily beautiful, tall and imposing woman, Jadis is seven feet tall and her skin is as white as paper. A natural-born Witch and a cunning strategist, Jadis is arrogant and cruel, considering herself above all rules and viewing others as tools to be used or obstacles to be demolished.
Stats with +4/+4/+2/+2/+0/-2 adjustments for adding class levels to a monster:
Winter Witch (Witch archetype)
1. Cantrips
1. Spells (Witch)
1. Ice Magic
1. Cold Flesh
... Endure Elements (cold) as SLA
1. Patron
1. Familiar
1. Hex
1(level): Ability Focus (breath weapon)
2. Hex
3(level): Accursed Hex
4. Stat Bump: Dex +1
4. Cold Flesh
... cold resistance 5
6. Hex
8. Stat Bump: Int +1
8. Hex
9. Cold Flesh
... cold resistance 10
10. Major Hex
Winter Witch (prestige class)
11/1. Hyperboreal Patronage
11/1. Winter Witchcraft
11/1(level): Split Hex
12/2. Stat Bump: Int +1
12/2. Freeze and Thaw
12/2. Major Hex
... Hoarfrost
13/3. Unnatural Cold
14/4. Sculpt Ice and Snow
14/4. Cold Flesh
... Immunity to Cold
14/4. Major Hex
... Icetomb
15/5. Winter Hexes
16/6. Stat Bump: Int +1
16/6. Blizzard Sight
16/6. Major Hex
... Numbing Chill
18/8. Unearthly Cold
18/8. Grand Hex
20/10. Stat Bump: Int +1
20/10. Iceglide
20/10. Inexorable Cold
20/10. Grand Hex
Stats at level 20 without gear:
VoodistMonk |
Thanks for checking it out and replying.
I figured that she is a relatively reasonable boss, depending on how you fill her out and equip her... I like her at 20th level and 30HD so her simulacrum is more useful at 10th level and 15HD. Use the simulacrum to test the party, learn their tactics... like Brainiac in the DCU.
Sysryke |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
You put a lot of effort into this I assume, and I in no way wish to disrespect that. I'm going to be a nerd stickler for detail for a moment though.
Jadis as the White Queen used a wand to turn people into stone. That and keeping Narnia forever in winter, but never Christmas, was kind of her big thing. She also had the potion to make the addictive food of choice (turkish delight), the evil dwarf minion (and a bunch of others like the wolf police), the sleigh drawn by white deer, and the stone knife she used to slay Aslan. Purely for verisimilitude you need at least the wand and knife.
Beyond that, love what you did, very fun conversion.
EDIT: sorry, "The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe" was my very first chapter book.
VoodistMonk |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Backtracking the Winter Hag's skill bonuses to figure ranks probably took me longer than it should have... especially considering nobody actually gives a $#!+ about enemy NPC skills. Lol.
Thank you for the constructive criticism... I can change her Ice Staff to an Ice Wand easily enough. It literally changes nothing but the wording and the visuals. I guess it would change to the stats for a club or some other 1H weapon... totally irrelevant what weapon it is, things have soured if she is swinging in melee. But you are right, and for the sake of being true to the character, it will ne changed. The 1/day spell associated with it can be changed to Flesh to Stone, or something similar. Maybe see if I can find a knife that petrifies on a crit, or something.
I gave her a pretty decent Craft Alchemy, but I don't know if that's enough to get her charmed meals in a bottle. Granted, she isn't exactly inviting the party over for a spot of tea. Or is she? I don't know, as I don't actually have a use planned for this character.
I just like giving Hags class levels because I think Covens are cool and rich in flavor. Want to use a Coven? Need inspiration for what sort of Hag to include? Let me introduce to my friend, Jadis. Lol. I have an Annis Hag Divine Paragon (Gyronna)-5/Evangelist (PrC)-10, and I am working on a Dreamthief Hag Sanguine Sorcerer-10/Souldrinker (PrC)-10 right meow...
I will put together an evil Dwarf minion for Jadis, though.