PossibleCabbage |
TriOmegaZero wrote:I don't think I'd want to keep players who would leave over missing rules.Let's say you annonunce the shift to P2E, and one player just cannot convert their character and have to make a new one... You're gonna say "Well so long!" ?
I have been present for a lot of edition changes (like all of them? The AD&D-> 2e switch was messy) and I have never seen *anybody* even propose "converting my character" to the new system. When groups change over it's always "when a new campaign starts."
It's not like "starting at level 8" or whatever is even a good introduction to a new system.
JiCi |
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JiCi wrote:TriOmegaZero wrote:I don't think I'd want to keep players who would leave over missing rules.Let's say you annonunce the shift to P2E, and one player just cannot convert their character and have to make a new one... You're gonna say "Well so long!" ?I have been present for a lot of edition changes (like all of them? The AD&D-> 2e switch was messy) and I have never seen *anybody* even propose "converting my character" to the new system. When groups change over it's always "when a new campaign starts."
It's not like "starting at level 8" or whatever is even a good introduction to a new system.
Why would I force players to convert their 1E characters? I'd just wait until the campaign ended and said the next is a 2E one.
Woaw, let's be clear here: THAT's the best way to change editions / rulesets. If you've done this with brand-new characters, I see nothing wrong here.
Coriat |
Coriat wrote:I would not buy any new PF1e rulebooks. Pathfinder 1e already has considerably more than enough crunch for my taste. In fact, I mentally checked out of the stream of new rules material several years before I actually stopped playing PF1e (which was in 2016 or 2017).
I haven't sworn 1e off (although playing other systems has contrasted sharply with what an absolute drag high-level PF1e is in my medium of choice, real-time text messengers such as mIRC or Hangouts, and the contrast has been even sharper for our group's DM, who became much more relaxed after no longer having to endlessly wrangle high level statblocks). But in any case, the rules bloat was already actively irritating by PF1e midlife, and there's a zero percent chance of my paying money to get yet more of it.
There are also more published PF1e adventures than any one person can reasonably play, but adventures are much more a matter of taste, and I might pay money for an AP that scratched the perfect itch. One piece of content I can definitely see myself paying money for would be an evil AP that covered similar ground as the third-party Way of the Wicked but did a better job of it, that had Paizo-level plotting and art and that was more adept with the game mechanics.
(Hell's Vengeance, which never takes the party into evil-overlord territory, isn't the same...)
I understand your comment, and it's completely fine.
However, there is an annoyance about how the previous edition is suddenly dropped and forgotten about when the new edition is introduced. Right now, one major problem is that the conversion from P1E and P2E is lagging behind. If you want to keep your players and their respective characters, you might run into problems due to missing rules.
While I have nothing against the Inventor and the Thaumateurge, the lack of occult/psychic classes is apparent.
Your comment is also fine (subject to the caveat, as others have noted, that the best time to switch rulesets is at the beginning of a campaign), though the question of what to do in 2e with various things from the enormous pile of 1e rules, classes, feats, spells, etc. is different from the question of whether I want, and would pay, for them to start churning out new 1e classes, feats, spells, etc. again to add to that already enormous pile.
JiCi |
Your comment is also fine (subject to the caveat, as others have noted, that the best time to switch rulesets is at the beginning of a campaign), though the question of what to do in 2e with various things from the enormous pile of 1e rules, classes, feats, spells, etc. is different from the question of whether I want, and would pay, for them to start churning out new 1e classes, feats, spells, etc. again to add to that already enormous pile.
Point taken :)
JiCi |
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I think we're in agreement then!
It's one thing to agree, and it's another thing to admit your own mistake.
I just discovered that the Psychic and Thaumatheurge are two upcoming occult classes... basically breaking down my "missing occult classes" argument :P The Thaumatheurge is essentially a spell-less Occultist, so yeah XD
JiCi |
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So what are the Pathfinder 2e exclusive player races and classes?
- Inventor; that class needs its own rule. The Construct Companion can be the Unchained Inevitable Eidolon (but of any alignment), the Custom Weapon would need to use extensively the Weapon Creation rules, and the Custom Armor would need to use the Piecemeal Armor rules. The latter two aren't easy ^^;Other classes got reworked. The Champion can be a Paladin or Antipaladin, while the upcoming Thaumatheurge seems to take a lot of inspiration from both the Occultist and the Medium.
- Anadi (jungle spider people)
- Automaton (Inevitable-inspired contructs)
- Conrasu (Aeon orbs of cosmic force with wooden bodies)
- Fleshwarp (Drow "experiments", used as monsters in P1E)
- Goloma (Gray Render-like humanoids)
- Poppet (sentient stuffed puppets, literally)
- Shisk (Mountain-dwelling humans with spines)
- Shoony (pug people)
- Sprite (playable version of grigs, pixies and such)
Dragon78 |
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I like the sound of the poppet and sprite.
D&D 5e has Arakocra, Assimar, Bugbear, Centaur, Changeling, Dragonborn, Fairy, Firbolg, Goliath, Harengon(rabbit), Genasi, Goblin, Gith, Grung, Hobgoblin, Kalashtar, Kenku, Leonin(lions), Lizardfolk, Locathah, Loxodon(elephant), Minotaur, Orc, Satyr, Shifter, Simic Hybrid, Tabaxi, Tiefling, Tortle(tortoise), Triton, Vedalken, Verdan, Warforged, and Yuan-ti Pureblood.
Melkiador |
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I am sure there will be a 3e unless the company goes under before that happens. Hopefully 3e will be more to my liking then 2e.
Not sure what you are wanting, but my problem is that I just wanted a consolidated Pathfinder 1 with very small tweaks. I feel like what Paizo wanted and probably needed was something different enough to get away from the srd.
I was mostly just saying that if we ever do get 3e, it should still be years away. Jumping versions so quickly after just launching a new one would be bad business.
Eldred the Grey |
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I posted in a thread that was somewhat similar that if they did it would be yes. Mostly a few more NPC Codexes would be excellent, a compendium of the various master's style books gathered in one place add in Inner sea magic and some other random info. Something that would give you more teams/squads for Ucamp and more settlement qualities and disadvantages. Gives GM's 3 new books and players an new book.