Angelwiings |
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Absolutely! EXSPECIALLY if they made revamped versions of the 3.5 AP's/worldbooks that were never brought over to the new system.
Heck a 'uncut' version of RotRL, more books be it AP, lore, companion, or just new items I'd buy. My group doesn't plan to play 2e for some time, so it bums me out they aren't doing anything else with it.
Fluff |
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Well, I would buy new PF1 stuff. Especially APs if they are good ones. I like the more roleplaying heavy ones like Hells Rebels, there isn't an infinite number of those.
I've played 5th and didn't like it, and GMed PF2 and liked it even less, and I don't think I have the rules knowledge required to do a decent job converting it all myself, and no desire to learn tbh. So just being able to buy a PF1 AP would be a good thing for me.
Not really too fussed about more rulebooks, if anything PF1 has too many of those, some them, IMO, ill judged, as happens with such a long running edition.
TBH if I run out of PF1 modules I'd like to play, I'll probably end up switching to something else entirely, not classic fantasy - like old school Shadowrun or something. PF1 spoiled me so much I got off the WotC train entirely, and going back to it now just feels awful. Probably why I don't like PF2. But that'll not be a problem in the near future at least.
Fluff |
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Systems aren't like software, they don't really get out of date - certainly since the 90s anyway, maybe the really early hokey ones have become outdated - they merely change, and ultimately they run on novelty primarily. They aren't like computer games where XYZ 2 is almost certainly an improvement on XYZ 1. This is why there are edition wars, as there's always at least a case to be made to not change.
I don't think PF2 is an upgrade on PF1, it's basically a completely different game entirely with a few relatively superficial similarities. Like most new editions it's not really about upgrading, but about shifting copy. There are some exceptions but PF2 isn't one of them.
Fluff |
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Iterative attacks don't seem like a problem to me. Lots of things that I didn't think were problems at all, got fixed.
Or.. "fixed". Saying it's 3 actions and it's simple is a gross simplification of how it actually plays. PF2 is way more complicated than PF1 is IMO, if you compare core books alone. When PF2 has been out for ten years it'll be an absolute mess.
Anyway. The time for the merits and flaws is long past. Converting stuff from PF2 to PF1 does not seem that easy, as half the abilities of everything has been removed. You would have to add stuff. On top of that PF1 characters are more powerful so you'd have to bear that in mind when considering the context, whether it fits into the setting properly. Adventures about diseases better have some sort of reason to be a problem in PF1, for example, because diseases are not a problem.
Ditto things like long range travel, trekking across the wilderness, investigation, utility magic. You'd have to scale everything up and that can have consequences.
And even less easy given homebrew conversion requires pretty good knowledge of both systems, which I will not have.