Angelwiings's page

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Absolutely! EXSPECIALLY if they made revamped versions of the 3.5 AP's/worldbooks that were never brought over to the new system.

Heck a 'uncut' version of RotRL, more books be it AP, lore, companion, or just new items I'd buy. My group doesn't plan to play 2e for some time, so it bums me out they aren't doing anything else with it.

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Saffron Marvelous wrote:
Did Dragonlance elves sleep? I recall the 2e elf handbook was where they introduced the reverie and that seemed to be setting-agnostic.

Biggest issue I have is the plot holes without having a trance. The biggest one being there is not a single bed in all of Kyonin. Ultimately it's not a huge deal, but the fact there's an entire AP with them doing trancing makes me lean towards that to be honest.

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So my group has had this point of contention for months now, and with my work on converting second darkness to pathfinder rules I want to find a definitive ruling once and for all.
My own research has lead me to no answers so I'm asking here. Both the Elves of Gallorian, and the Second Darkness book mention elves do not sleep, rather trance for 4 hours. However those were both made in 3.5 rules, and the elf race mentions no such thing. So my question is how do they sleep? 8 hour trance? 4 hour? Normal sleep? As it stands old lore says they trance, no new lore I know of has rebutted this, but the rules mention no such ability and it has me mad confused.

Please help
Please, and thanks in advance