The Great Book Big of Everything - Sustaining Steel

Magus Class

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Hey all, this was just a neat thing my player was toying with while trying to make a character last night (they ended up going a different direction), and I'm sure it's been said before in another context but nonetheless wanted to share:

Them: I want to get a level 1 Class Feat since I'm human

Me: Alright, you're Sustaining Steel, so your choices are kinda limited to Familiar or Combat Assessment

Them: Why can't I take Raise a Tome?

Me: Raise a Tome requires you to hold a book, and since it's a two-han...

Them: Can I just hit people with a really BIG book?

Me: Uh, well, actually yeah maybe you can?!

I couldn't remember the actual build to make this work until later this evening, but you could go Versatile Human -> Adopted Ancestry -> Shoony and then at level 3 pick up Ancestral Paragon -> Improvised Weaponry (Shoony).

And wallah, you can beat people down with a great big book. And a book that size might have a lot of relevant information on your enemies!

Now I imagine it works like a shield, so you probably can't attack while it's open, but I thought it was funny to imagine.


It's cool that the game allows for crazy ideas like this, even in Playtesting :)

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I'm super stoked about the book wielding mechanics coming into play finally. We got reasonably accessible and useful staves and wands. Now books? Casters can finally hold caster-feeling things!

Weapon Improviser Dedication would be a way to get that at 2nd without jumping through hoops [and rare ones at that]. If you use adopted anyway, Deep Backgrounds allows you to get adopted from your background so you can pick Improvised Weaponry (Shoony) at 1st.

graystone wrote:
Weapon Improviser Dedication would be a way to get that at 2nd without jumping through hoops [and rare ones at that]. If you use adopted anyway, Deep Backgrounds allows you to get adopted from your background so you can pick Improvised Weaponry (Shoony) at 1st.

Oh sure, or you could just go Shoony and skip all the theatrics.

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Yes. Nothing like Shoony when one is tired of theatrics and is ready for straight faced seriousness.

book as weapon paizo, do it

Martialmasters wrote:
book as weapon paizo, do it

Why not a book-case. Cold Iron bookcase for your spellbool. Like FF14's book for summoner and scholars, look at those things. You could knock a guy out with it easily.

Oh, Living Grimoire, where art thou?

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Clearly now we need a hybrid magus summoner class that uses a living grimoire as their striking spell weapon. The summoned book itself is the actual caster while the magus wielder is just big brute.

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