Anarakius |

Hey! I've skimmed through the abilities and didn't find anything that could be overly abusive as most that are would be behind focus or spell slots paywall, but then again i'm no expert and that's why i'm here :)
I thought it could improve the tactical aspect if you could convert 1 or 2 (but not 3) of your actions into reactions, so you can have 3-1, 2-2 or 1-3 depending on your strategy. Thoughts?
Since we're already here: a 2-action basic action (called dodge, evasive steps, footwork whatever; you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to your AC, and maybe Reflex saves? As long as you are not flat-footed? If you become flat-footed you lose it?
(I know the ready action step "trick", just thought there's a place for something like the above).

Anarakius |

Thanks for the reply, but I know what the Ready action is and its not what I'm talking about. The ready action allows you to take one free or 1-action outside of your turn based on a trigger. What I'm saying is converting actions into reactions, so you could possibly take more than one reaction outside your turn, not an action.

Claxon |

Hey! I've skimmed through the abilities and didn't find anything that could be overly abusive as most that are would be behind focus or spell slots paywall, but then again i'm no expert and that's why i'm here :)
I thought it could improve the tactical aspect if you could convert 1 or 2 (but not 3) of your actions into reactions, so you can have 3-1, 2-2 or 1-3 depending on your strategy. Thoughts?
Since we're already here: a 2-action basic action (called dodge, evasive steps, footwork whatever; you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to your AC, and maybe Reflex saves? As long as you are not flat-footed? If you become flat-footed you lose it?
(I know the ready action step "trick", just thought there's a place for something like the above).
Yeah, I'm going to say no it's a bad idea.
Paladin reactions and Attack of Opportunity are very stronk.
Fighters get, as a class feat, the ability to get more reactions.
I believe reactions should be quite limited, and that you shouldn't convert other actions into additional reactions.

thenobledrake |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Getting an extra reaction is a high-level feat that comes with specific limitations (example: Champion feat Divine Reflexes at level 14 and can only be used for the champion's reaction ability, not other reactions they might have like reactive shield or attack of opportunity or even reactions everyone has like grab an edge).
So any rule that makes more reactions a generally available thing is making a huge alteration to the way the game is intended to work - and that's not a thing I'd advise doing.

Anarakius |

Alright, thanks for the feedback!
The biggest "offender" seems to be the Champion's Causes reactions which are pretty powerful indeed and which I totally overlooked. Clearly there's no way for it to work under a conversion gimmick. The easy sollution is to ban champion, which is far from the best sollution.
That said, converting actions wouldn't change the net amount of actions you can take, so abilities that give extra general or unique reactions aren't really in direct competition, specially if you take into account that reactions are subjected to the flow of battle, even if you convert 2 actions into reactions and possibly take 3-5 AOs or shield blocks, it doesn't mean you would actually take them.
Unless we're saying that reactions are more powerful than actions, which I'm not really convinced yet, the exception being a few abilities such as the champion's reactions, and MA without P for sure should be taken into account, although there's precedence for penalty in the rules with the Ready action using your MAP. Maybe something with the flourish tag could solve something...
...Anyway, I get that it's a pretty drastic change even if for purism's sake, but one have to remember that up until now multiple attacks were the realm of martial classes and is now a tactic any class can choose during a turn. But yeah, maybe it's too drastic for now. As marty mcfly could've said: "I guess we're not ready for that, but our kids will love it in PF3".
Your proposal for Dodge would mean that wearing a shield would be much less useful since you can't both raise a shield and Dodge. So effectively you're giving pay of the shield bonus to everyone without having to use a shield.
Hmm, I don't think so though. Raise shield is 1 action for +2 circumstance defense (unless you're using buckler for some reason), plus possibly shield blocks. Even parry remains with same usefulness since its 1 action, not 2. Its just something I thought could be useful if you really have no other option and want to give a little something to your AC, or if a player takes too much time to take action and instead of skipping their turn empty handed they go into defense/dodge mode for at least something.