Monastic Weaponry + Deadly Strikes + Diamond Fists

Rules Discussion

Do these add up?

"You can use melee monk weapons with any of your monk feats or monk abilities that normally require unarmed attacks,"
"Your unarmed attacks gain the forceful trait."
"Your unarmed attacks gain the deadly d10 trait"

So would a bo staff get forceful and deadly d10?

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Looks like a yes to me.

I'm hesitant, and would like an official answer too.

"Use melee weapons" may be the key clause here, and the strictness being placed on it.
Diamond Fists doesn't "use" an unarmed attack in which one would substitute the use of a melee monk weapon.
If it were an action (a use) that gave those traits, then it'd be a clear yes.

To be fair, you don’t exactly ‘use’ unarmed attacks either. You Strike with an unarmed attack. You don’t rip your hand off and beat them with it (I hope). You punch them. The two Feats are riders attached to Unarmed Attack through Monk Feats. Monastic Weaponry looks at that and goes, ‘Yup, those are Monk Feats on Unarmed Strike, you’re good.’

The wording is a little strange from a literal/technical reading sense because most of the feats and abilities a monk has don't have anything labeled "require" that we can be certain the monastic weaponry feat is interacting with.

That leaves us with a casual language reading, where "require unarmed attacks" could mean anything which says "unarmed attack" so deadly strikes and diamond fists would apply, or it could mean just that where a feat or ability says to do an unarmed Strike you can use a monk weapon instead (which I can only think of Flurry of Blows and ki strike of the top of my head).

I lean towards the more permissive because that leads to a similar play experience of building feats on top of earlier feats like a monk would be able to do without monastic weaponry in the mix - whereas if these, and others, don't work together it kinda means most feat options are going to create an incentive to not actually use the monk weapons you spent a feat on because so much of your cool stuff doesn't apply to them.

Yes, nobledrake, there seems to be a consistency of intent for the weapon build to be able to benefit as much as an unarmed build; one Monk buying into weapons and another likely getting a Stance instead, both profiting equally from their class (except when a specific Strike is denoted).

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