Enhanced Familiar in the APG - Alchemists still left out?

Rules Discussion

If I understand correctly, Witches can take Enhanced Familiar,and Familiar Masters can take it, but Alchemists still have to take a dedication to get Enhanced Familiar?

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Familiar Master is a dedication.

But it does seem odd since the book mentions Homunculus Familiars in several places. There still seem to be a few gaps to fill. For example, Druids still don't have an Expanded Cantrip feat.

oddly enough, the Enhanced Familiar Feat is a set of class feats. Druid, Sorcerer, Witch and Wizard. Alchemist doesn't have one.

It's strange that the Archetype gives you Enhanced Familiar if you already have a familiar, and Alchemist doesn't have the feat. Because the only classes that could gain the benefit have Familiars, but Alchemist can't get an enhanced version.

Alchemist needs a little boost, and the Enhanced Familiar feat.

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