Paizo Offishal Discord Server when?

Paizo General Discussion

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

So, D&D has its own official server ran by WotC, PaizoCon Online Discord was a roaring success (I felt like being there, down to warnings about not stirring flamewars), XX century is over, Joey started checking his e-mail twice per month (he still downloads all attachments, but he has moved on from 3.5" floppies to CDs - go Joey!).

Which brings to ... Paizo Discord server when? With the world falling apart, I've moved all my games online and Discord is my platform of choice for voice comms, so it would be great to pop into a Paizo server, chill out with nice people and ask some innocent questions, such as what happens when a Paladin walks into a burning goblin orphanage and... get the idea. Discord server plx.

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Yeah, what ThreeEyedSloth said. Though I think it started life more as the official Discord for the /r/Pathfinder_RPG subreddit, it's grown quite a bit and might as well be the closest to an official Discord we have. Not sure I've ever seen it linked in a concrete way here on the Paizo site by them though.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Thanks folks, but I was quite specifically asking if/when Paizo will launch the official one.

Grand Lodge

So you want Paizo staff to now watch twitter, Reddit, Facebook, their own messageboards, broadcast on Twitch, and watch Discord? So when in all of that do they actually create the product that justifies their existence?

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
TwilightKnight wrote:
So you want Paizo staff to now watch twitter, Reddit, Facebook, their own messageboards, broadcast on Twitch, and watch Discord? So when in all of that do they actually create the product that justifies their existence?

Well, they could quit the messageboards, I wouldn't mind. They're an outdated channel of communication that has been steadily dying out for the last 5 years or so.

Grand Lodge

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I cannot speak for other message board because I don’t use them, but this one seems to be as active if not moreso than ever. I really don’t see the need to close them.

Sovereign Court

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Personally I prefer messageboards to discord. Its great for connecting with friends to chat, but to track discussions and so on it is a massive nightmare.

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Gorbacz wrote:
Thanks folks, but I was quite specifically asking if/when Paizo will launch the official one.

That server is an official Discord Partner server, with several key figures from Paizo in said server and being active in said server, and even has those running AoN in there for any bug reports.

How can you believe it can get any more official than that? Did you want them to throw the invite link on the front page of the website??

Paizo Employee Starfinder Senior Developer

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That's a solid Discord server. I enjoy hanging out in the Pathfinder_Lore channel and occasionally poking my head into a few other corners.

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Gorbacz wrote:

Well, they could quit the messageboards, I wouldn't mind. They're an outdated channel of communication that has been steadily dying out for the last 5 years or so.


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