Michael Talley 759 |
After reading the topic of a party all the same character class I thought it might be fun to write a short adventure that could be used to create such a group.
Character Creation
As members of the local thieves guild the following classes work best.
Fighters [Archetypes: Cad, Tactician]
Rogues [Archtypes: Chameleon, Counterfeit Mage, Heister, Phantom Thief, and Thug]
Starting the Adventure
The group is hired to work together to burgal a nobles house and steal a painting and replace it with another. The Unknown client (known to the Guild Master, but kept from the PC's chossen for the heist is the targets sister, whom is tired of her sibling gaining all the attention due to their celestial heritage and wants to take them down a peg.) The Heist can happen at the PC's pace to an extent, The painting is to be revealed within a weeks time and must be exchanged before that deadline (There should feel like a time crunch). The Client would prefer to avoid bloodshed, and the killing of servants completely. Thus the nature of it being a stealthy switch-a-roo mission.
Encounters/Hazards for the group
Encounters based on an APL of 7 {CR's: Easy 6, Average 7, Challenging 8, Hard 9, Epic 10}
Guard Dogs {6 Creatures, CR 6, Advanced and Giant Template added to a CR 1/3 Dog }
House Guards {3 Creature Groups, CR 6 Total, Level 5 Human Warriors} x4 (Patrolling outside the house are four set's of three guards)
House Guard Captain {single Creature, CR 7, Level 8 Human Fighter}
House Noble {CR8, Aasimar[Muse-Touched] Wizard* 9}
*Haven't decided on a Specialty yet for the wizard
The Lastest Muse {CR8, Level 9 Rogue. *Working against the party is this pretty face that worked their way in, to rob the place and would have no problem turning in the other PC's as the actual criminals if it means she can get away with her Prize} *AKA the Surprise Twist
Vault/Shocking Floor Trap {CR 9- Type: Magical trap, Perception DC 16, Disable DC 30, Trigger: Alarm, Duration: 1d6 rounds, Reset: Automatic Reset (24 Hours), Effect: Spell Effect (Shocking Grasp +9 Melee touch 4d6 Electrical Damage, Multiple targets: 40ft Square Room)}
*Vault is easy to see and to tell it's trapped, put in the wrong combination however...and zap so traded an easier Perception roll for a harder to Disable DC.
Best of all it works with any map of a household a person has and can be modified as needed :D
I'm not sure what other kind of loot to have in the Vault as a possible reward yet if the group wants to steal anything other than the requested item.
Sysryke |
I really like this idea as a starting point. For a quick one off, or couple of sessions it's great.
I generally like to try for longer or more involved stories though. If that appeals then I'd think about adding some city encounters or side quests. Maybe a social challenge of raid on the local fighters guild/constabulary to acquire the guard's patrol rotation. Maybe a special rod or key is needed to bypass one of the wizard's traps, doors, glyphs. I'm not sure what else, but I enjoy a good scavenger hunt, item chain, or multi-angle challenge. . . . I may have just played too much Zelda.
Michael Talley 759 |
I really like this idea as a starting point. For a quick one off, or couple of sessions it's great.
I generally like to try for longer or more involved stories though. If that appeals then I'd think about adding some city encounters or side quests. Maybe a social challenge of raid on the local fighters guild/constabulary to acquire the guard's patrol rotation. Maybe a special rod or key is needed to bypass one of the wizard's traps, doors, glyphs. I'm not sure what else, but I enjoy a good scavenger hunt, item chain, or multi-angle challenge. . . . I may have just played too much Zelda.
Certainly many things to add to the adventure if one wants it fleshed out :3 I'm no stranger to building towns/cities around the first adventure planned out. shops, people of interest, and I generally after the first game make a group of Rival NPC's for the group that will challenge them in some ways.
But even more fun, is adding magical items of cursed amusements. (Sometimes the groups love them, other times they hate them)
MrCharisma |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
We played a heist themed one-off adventure at level 7 that worked really well. I think the GM basically just home-brewed it though.
We were told to make "Rogue-themed" adventurers, so we ended up with a DEX based Monk/Rogue and Magus, and a CHA based Mesmerist (and our 4th couldn't make it).
It was a basic dungeon delve: "Break into the enemy guild's base via the sewers and steal the amulet of McGuffin". What made it more exciting was that we all had a secret agenda from our factions. The agendas all had 2 parts, a main goal and a secondary goal. The agendas (and factions) were drawn out of a hat.
My agenda was to be the one to actually hand over the McGuffin to make my faction look better (and I was given a fake to help with this), and my secondary goal was to embarrass one of the other PCs to make their fsction look worse.
I don't know the secondary agendas of the other PCs, but their main agendas were: 1. The guy guarding the Mcguffin is secretly our spy, make sure he doesn't die. 2. You are a spy for the eneemy guild, kill the guard as he is a spy. 3. There is a spy in our guild, find out who it is and kill them.
Unfortunatly (or fortunately?) in our game goal 2 (You are a spy) didn't get drawn as we were a player down, so we ended up with someone trying to find a spy who didn't exist and someone protecting our spy from a non-existent assassin.
It made for some fun roleplay, and we all had a great time until the end when 2 of us achieved our goals and the other player got totally screwed by the other players. This uneven outcome is something people don't usually expect when playing these games, so make sure your group knows in advance that it'll be PvP and make sure they're ok being the one that loses.
I really enjoyed it, but empathised with the guy who lost (I could see myself being annoyed in his shoes), but for a heist themed adventure I think a little paranoia helps the mood.
Michael Talley 759 |
I certainly think making things easy for the PC's is not always good. So I built the House guards and House Guard Captain. I'm pretty sure it'll be difficult. Still running some blanks on what kind of wizard to make the Noble in case they run into them. Although I am thinking the Counter rogue should be a face style rogue.
But here are the stats on the guards if people are curious
House Guard Captain CR7
Human, N, Fighter 8
Init: +2, Senses: Perception +16
AC 21 Touch 12 Flat 19
HP: 69
fort +10, Reflex +5, Will +3 (Bravery +2)
Speed: 30ft
Melee: +1 Scimitar +14/+9 (1d6+6/15-20 S)
Str 16 Dex 14 Con 16 Int 12 Wis 10 Cha 8
BAB +8/+3 CMB +11 CMD 23
Cosmopolitan (Perception & Sense Motive), Alertness, Shield Focus, Weapon Focus [Scimitar], Skill Focus [Perception], Weapon Specialization [Scimitar], Combat Expertise, Improved Disarm, Critical Focus, Improved Critical [Scimitar]
Intimidate +10, Knowledge [Engineering] +12, Perception +16, Sense Motive +13
+1 Scimitar, +1 Chain Shirt, +1 Heavy Wood Shield, Cloak Of Resistance +1, 3 Potions of Cure Moderate Wounds, 3 Antiplague, 3 Antitoxin, 1 Tanglefoot Bag, 4 PP, 10 GP
SQ- Armor Training 2
Language- Common, Dwarven, Halfling, Orc
House Guard CR 3
Human, N, Warrior 5
Init: +1, Senses: Perception +13
AC 19 Touch 11 Flat-footed 18
HP 35
fortitude + 5 reflex +2 Will +1
Speed: 30ft
Melee: MWK Scimitar +7 (1d6 +1/18-20 S)
Str 12 Dex 12 Con 13 Int 11 Wis 10 Cha 8
BAB +5 CMB +6 CMD 17
Cosmopolitan (Perception & Sense Motive), Alertness, Skill focus (Perception), Shield focus
Intimidate +7, Perception +13, Sense Motive +10
+1 Chain Shirt, MWK Wooden Shield, Mwk Scimitar, 1 Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds, 1 Antiplague, 1 Antitoxin, 1 tanglefoot Bag, 1 Thunderstone, Everburning Torch, 4 PP, 10 GP
Michael Talley 759 |
So adventure one went really well and the group now believes their is a rival guild trying to move into the city, and the Changeling Green Widow left a bad taste with the group. :3
sadly they didn't stop her from escaping (or do any damage to her, but they did alert the Guild she exists and is gunning for them)
So I am thinking of branching the adventure out a bit, maybe with four Daughters of a Hag. The picture is my idea and design for two of them.
Not really sure other types of daughters she might have though.
But I was really shocked after I built it, just how deadly A Changeling Green Widow Rogue [Spy] Archetype was O.o