Suitability of Iron Gods for new players?

Iron Gods

I have a new group that I’m looking to start an AP with, and 3 of the 4 so far have looked at what’s available and said that Iron Gods is one they’re interested in.

Just wondering with all the additional tech rules and such on top of some of them playing PF1 for the first time might be too many things to digest as once?

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Thematically Iron Gods is a bit far afield of what is typically considered the 'standard' fantasy adventure as an introduction for newbies (though by no means is it outside the game's traditional wheelhouse), but for the most part the technology acts a lot like magic items in that most tech items replicate spell effects by non-magical means. The only thing in particular to keep track of is likely to be distinguishing between normal skills being unable to grip with technology without the additional Technologist features.

I would be clear that it is a bit more to chew than a more classic adventure, but if it's the one they are interested, imho they'll get more mileage out of a complicated game they enjoy than a simple adventure that doesn't grab their attention. If anything, should the additional burden of the tech rules prove too great, there's always the option of falling back to something more straightforward.

Start at first level and they'll be fine. There is plenty of time to learn the rules along with the technology as the game progresses.

Its Possible but that is pretty step start for newbies

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