Combat Maintenance and vehicles

Rules Questions

Combat Maintenance

armory p.146 wrote:
As a move action, you can fortify an item you touch against attack. The item’s hardness increases by an amount equal to your mechanic level (to a maximum of double its normal hardness) for 1 round. If the item is one you are wearing or holding, you can use this ability as a purely defensive reaction to an attack against it.

1)Can I use this on Vehicles?

2)While I am in a vehicle, am I able to use Combat Maintenance as a reaction to increasing my vehicle's hardness to an attack against it?


My automatic reaction is no. Vehicles are called vehicles. Plus such a buff would greatly increase the effectiveness of a vehicle, so an additional reason for no.

But I could be wrong.

I am going to agree with "Dr." Cupi and say no you cannot.

Looking at the opening paragraph on page 146 of the Starfinder Armory tells me that it is for gear and not vehicles.

Starfinder Armory page 146 wrote:

These mechanic tricks (Core Rulebook 70) are most common
among mechanics who focus on maintaining and improving
their own gear-based options as well as that of their allies.

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1) Yes

2) No. Wearing or holding implies an item in your possession that you're picking up, which unless you're holding a tiny car for a striefella or something doesn't sound feasible.

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BigNorseWolf wrote:

1) Yes

2) No. Wearing or holding implies an item in your possession that you're picking up, which unless you're holding a tiny car for a striefella or something doesn't sound feasible.

I think I agree with this. My original knee-jerk reaction was that vehicles aren't items, but they are right there in the equipment section of the CRB. Making a vehicle survive small arms fire for 1 round as a move action sounds like a decent, but not broken thing to do.

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Garretmander wrote:
BigNorseWolf wrote:

1) Yes

2) No. Wearing or holding implies an item in your possession that you're picking up, which unless you're holding a tiny car for a striefella or something doesn't sound feasible.

I think I agree with this. My original knee-jerk reaction was that vehicles aren't items, but they are right there in the equipment section of the CRB. Making a vehicle survive small arms fire for 1 round as a move action sounds like a decent, but not broken thing to do.

Now that you put it this way. I rescind my knee-jerk reaction and agree that it should be allowed.

Yeah, my main issue with this ability is that, if it can be applied to vehicles, its a useful but not broken ability. If it can't, it is so restricted that I can't imagine anyone ever buying it.

Thank you everyone for the responses.

Vehicles are in a bit of an odd spot since they're in the equipment section, they got their item levels, but they don't have bulk. They're not able to be repaired by mending or make whole, since those have to target items based on bulk.Can't even cast shrink item, since that also requires bulk!

It would be nice to use it as a reaction to protect the vehicle a little more, but with a bit of foresight using it ahead of time could still have a bit of use to protect a vehicle when you know you're about to take some damage.

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I think hugging your car and going "come on baby please don't break now.." and having it work is about the most mechanicy thing you could do

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