Literally infinite Arcane Pool points

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

It comes online late (level 15).
It costs you 2 spellcasting levels.
Don't do it in actual play unless you want to ruin the fun for your fellow players. This is just a proof of concept.

12 levels Magus. Make sure whatever archetype you may choose doesn't replace improved spell recall. Make sure you have the echoing spell Metamagic Feat and Magical Knack to keep yourself at full CL.

1 level Pathfinder Field Agent. Take the ki pool rogue talent.

Gain the Ki Arcana Magus Arcana via retraining or Extra Arcana.

2 levels Pathfinder Savant. Take Replenish Ki from the cleric list as an effective 5th-level spell.

Since you are level 15 now, choose Spell Perfection (Replenish Ki).

Prepare Replenish Ki in a 5th-level spell slot. Cast replenish Ki while using Spell Perfection to apply Echoing spell for free. You get two Ki points which you treat as Arcane Pool points as per Ki Arcana and the free second casting from echoing spell gives you another two points. Use improved spell recall to re-prepare Replenish Ki for 2 points since Pathfinder always rounds down. You have now effectively gained 2 Arcane Pool points without paying for it. Rinse and repeat until Arcane Pool (ki pool) is full.

If you want to argue that Pathfinder Field Agent is not a class that grants a Ki Pool because it only lets you choose it as an option, just take 2 levels in ninja instead. This delays you for an additional level but you now have access to all normal ninja tricks which you can now infinitely use thanks to above exploit.

EDIT: While in combat this method is impractical since the casting time from replenish ki is 1 minute. But you can grab ki leech from the wizard spell list via spell blending and restore ki with crits.

Dairfaron wrote:

Don't do it in actual play unless you want to ruin the fun for your fellow players. This is just a proof of concept.

At least it is cleaner and not as exploitive as something dumb like ki leech and coup de grace 6 mounts from communal mount spell or similar.

Coolwasabi wrote:

At least it is cleaner and not as exploitive as something dumb like ki leech and coup de grace 6 mounts from communal mount spell or similar.

When wyroot didn't have the cap of how much points you can gain with a weapon made from it, people used to hit bags of angry rats until their pool was full. It was ridiculous.

Get Ki Arcana.

Take 3 levels in Monk with the Drunken Master Archetype, now you can replenish your Ki and Arcane pools just about endlessly by drinking. It takes a Standard Action, but it doesn't provoke Attacks of Opportunity.

You start getting sickened for 1 hour per drink after 1+double your con mod in a day. Unless you don't care for that condition.

Also it is debatable whether special ki like the temporary ki points from drunken master count as the "ki pool" as it is specified in Ki Arcana. I think it's a gray area.

EDIT: The wording of the Ki Arcana Class feature that the esoteric magus archetype gains and which basically grants him the Arcana of the same name strongly suggests that drunken ki also doesn't work for the Ki Arcana magus arcana:

"Ki Arcana (Su)
At 4th level, an esoteric’s arcane pool is also considered a ki pool for the purposes of meeting feat and ability requirements. Points from an esoteric’s arcane pool can be used for abilities that normally require ki. If an esoteric gains a ki pool, he can use points from his arcane pool and ki pool interchangeably (though not special points such as drunken ki)."

Oooh, how about a 7th level ninja with VMC magus?

Rogue Talents are Firearm Training, Grit, and Scattergun Assassin. Take Prescient Strike for our 7th level Arcana, and retrain a feat on Extra Arcana: Ki Arcana. Resolve firearms attacks as a touch attack against a foe who is also flat footed, get a bunch of sneak attack dice, and get a ki/grit/arcana point back every time you blow somebody away.

This'd work for rogue, too but you'd have to drop a few more feats to get the ki pool talent. It'd make you less MAD though, thanks to Improved Ki Pool.

Coolwasabi wrote:
You start getting sickened for 1 hour per drink after 1+double your con mod in a day. Unless you don't care for that condition.

Ah, too bad. It isn't endless without a price. Still if you have a Con of 14, that 1 + 2X2 = 1+4 = 5 Ki points. That's a lot of Ki points.

Sickened isn't bad as far as Conditions go: -2 on everything. It might be worth it depending on what you do with your ki or Arcaneness.

Also, there are ways to become immune to Sickened or to alleviate it quickly, but that increases the price.

Still, I think it's a good option.

Dairfaron wrote:
Also it is debatable whether special ki like the temporary ki points from drunken master count as the "ki pool" as it is specified in Ki Arcana. I think it's a gray area.

I guess the key questions there are whether a Temporary Ki Point is a Ki point, and whether Temporary Ki points are stored in the Ki Pool. And if a Drunken Ki Pool is some separate Ki Pool, is a Drunken Ki Pool a Ki Pool.

Ki Arcana wrote:
a ki pool

If I were a Magus/Monk/Ninja, I'm pretty sure I could use Ki Arcana with all 3 pools. Why not be able to use it from a forth as a Magus/Ninja/Drunken Master Monk?

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