Izza |
Hi eveyone,
I just had a quick question about the Scribe Scroll feat and spontaneous casting.
As a good cleric you can spontaneously cast a healing spell, sacrificing a prepared spell.
I was wondering if you can use this ability when trying to Scribe Scroll?
I found this piece in the Magic Item Creation section which suggests no in this case, but I'd just like to check.
The creator must have prepared the spell to be scribed (or must know the spell, in the case of a sorcerer or bard) and must provide any material component or focus the spell requires.
Scenario: After a short day adventuring our party returns home for some rest.
My cleric has several unused spells that he had prepared for the day. He also has Scribe Scroll feat and the necessary components (parchment ink etc).He does not have a healing spell prepared.
Can he Scribe Scroll and use spontaneous casting to cast Cure Light Wounds to create that scroll?
Thanks :D

Arcanic Drake |

As raw no, because you actually have to have it prepared in order to do it.
You might be able to convince your GM to let you as this is something I would probably let slide as what good-aligned cleric in their right mind would actually have Cure Spells slotted for the day? On the other hand though, even though its a little tedious to slot spells for use in scribe scroll, thats exactly what Wizards or other "memory" casters have to do in the first place.
Ex. A wizard that never has mount prepared that wants a scroll of it would have to slot it in order to make a scroll of it.

OmniMage |
Tricky question. A very niche problem.
Ehh... why not? Whats the worst it could do? The Cleric could prepare the spells under normal circumstances, so why not give some leeway for magic item crafting? Any place suitable for preparing spells is suitable for crafting magic items, so maybe allow them to change their spells enough to do item crafting.
I would consider this to be a house rule though.
Question though. Was your Cleric adventuring? They have rules for that. You can devote 4 hours of work to net 2 hours of progress. This is non-continuous work. You are trying to fit in whatever time you can.

VoodistMonk |

I think it's more a matter of having unused spells at the end of the day does nothing for nobody...
Sitting down and scribbling your unused spells on to scrolls that can be used or sold later is just the smart thing to do at the end of the day if it is an option to you.
Go to bed with unused spells, OR give out a few Cure scrolls for the party.

Izza |
thanks for the replys guys.
I'll have a talk to my GM and see what he thinks.
I'm only trying to Scribe low level Cure spells, in an effort to keep my spells free for cool stuff like buffs and the like. I can get a Cure Light scroll done in 2 hours, so pretty feasible to get that done in an evening at our parties house.