Magic Items that can increase my movement speed

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

Is there any Magic Item that can give me permanent movement speed more than a mere +10ft? (boots of striding and jumping)

I'm not aware of anything official that grants a bonus to your speed of more than +10ft that isn't a limited use item (IOW it only does it for rounds or minutes per day). For example, the Animal Tattoo grants a bonus for up to 5 minutes per day (usable in 1 min. increments) and if you pick lion or wolf they both have +20ft speed option.

If you're ok with 3rd party content there are boots of the raptor.

Depends how fast you are to start with, but if your starting speed was <30' and you were allowed a Greater Hat of Disguise, then your base speed could go up to 40'.

Wand of Expeditious Retreat could be a laugh? Or a staff of same.

Or I seem to recall an item doing Cheetah's Sprint, but I can't remember what that was.

Wings of Flying gives an always on fly speed of 60 for 54,000. Griffon Mane is a backdoor retconing of this price down to 48,600GP. Aside from the cost, the biggest downside is taking the cloak of resistance slot, which is painful unless you've got the Protection domain or one of the high end body slot items that boosts saves as part of a long buff list.

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