LuisCarlos17Fe |
https://ourcommunitynow.com/entertainment/marvel-rumored-to-take-over-dc-co mics
Marvel Rumored to Take Over DC Comics
https://www.tvovermind.com/theres-a-rumor-that-marvel-is-taking-over-dc-com ics/
There’s a Rumor that Marvel is Taking Over DC Comics
Of course I doubt AT&T to sell Superman & cia when they are a very brand, even one of the main icones of the American culture. But something is happening. We, the Spanish people loves sayings and one is "to troubled river, fisherman's profit". This could be a great opportunity for Marvel/Disney, not to get the rights, but at least some licence agremeent, something like Hasbro with Disney, or IDW comics with Hasbro. Marvel could be allowed to publish their own version of DC superheroes or even theses as "guest artists" in the cinematic marvel universe.

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Marvel just publishing DC was discussed once before, way back in the day. Although I've never read it myself, apparently Jim Shooter talks about it somewhere.
It didn't happen then, supposedly because a lot of people were leery about having the biggest comic properties under one roof. I'm guessing the same thing would be true today.

thejeff |
Very unlikely. AT&T's going to keep the brand, since it's valuable, even if the comics themselves don't bring in enough money to justify keeping them going.
In theory they could license them out for comics, but I'm not sure Marvel would be able to make them profitable enough to afford a license fee AT&T would be interested in. If, as some suggest, Marvel is mostly continuing the comics as an idea generator and test bed for the more profitable movies and shows, there'd be no profit to them in writing stories for DC characters they couldn't use in those movies and shows.

GM SuperTumbler |

Marvel (as a comics publisher) has been very focused on properties and characters which they controlled completely. Prior to the Fox purchase, they tanked Fantastic Four and X-Men comics because the film rights to those were controlled by Fox. Once the deal to acquire Fox was closed, they brought those properties back in the comics.
I find it hard to believe that Marvel would publish DC titles only for the comic properties. If there was some joint film production deal, maybe. But even then, they would be profit sharing. They have a clear motivation for trying to hang on to something like Spiderman. Working with DC IP is a much more complicated project.

LuisCarlos17Fe |
AT&T is not going to sell DC when those characters can make money with the media adaptations. But now in the videogames +internet age the printed-paper comic industry is different. Children don't want to buy more comics when spend their money into toys or a new videogame.
I guess superheroes are going to change for a easier adaptation to videogames and TTRPGs, powerful but not invencible. Public would rather stories about from zero to hero.
Maybe new crossovers are possible, only for the advertising. They wouldn't lose money because it would be bought at least by the speculators. My suggestion is a Lego: Marvel vs DC.
A licencing agreement? A lot of troubles about reprint or profits by merchandicing.

LuisCarlos17Fe |
Sorry for this little necromancy but I would like to ask some question.
I have read about Apple Inc could buy Disney, at least somebody has adviced this is the best time to do it. Apple Inc has got good relations with Disney, but also with AT&T, owners of Time Warner/DC Enternaiment.
I think some superheroes should change. Today bulletproof too powerful superheroes are very boring, like the perfect Mary Sue/Gary Stu. In the age of videogames fandom would rather heroes with the right balance between power and vulnerability. And it is not only the broken power balance if you want a videogame adaptation but also miniatures boardgames.

Thomas Seitz |

Firstly I doubt this will happen. While Disney's stock has dropped, it's not the ONLY company out there facing shortages due to the global pandemic. So while AT&T MIGHT be interesting...I'm not sure Disney itself is at this point. Especially since they've just gotten Disney+ up and running.
As for changing super heroes...sure I could see that. But some times you just want guys to have God mode.

thejeff |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |
People have been arguing that too powerful superheroes are boring for as long as I can remember, but Superman keeps being popular.
Bulletproof cosmic power level heroes let you tell different stories than the street level ones. Both are good.
That's a problem when you want to have videogames where both Superman and Batman are valid options for the same role, but it's not when you're telling stories - in comics or in movies. You just work on a different scale.

LuisCarlos17Fe |
The power balance is broken, not only in videogames, but also miniatures and board (role-playing) games.
My true wish a d20 superheroes, although with nerfed version of famous characters, in a fantasy counterpart world as mash-up mixing fictional places and factions from DC and Marvel universes. Characters could be very powerful, but not more than any level 20 creature from D&D. If the PC is a Superman ersatz, he can be defeated by a dragon or giants summoned by the DM.

Damon Griffin |

No new comics for a while. Diamond Comics Distributors closed its doors to all new product today, for the foreseeable future.
Transcontinental, printers for DC, Dark Horse, Boom!, IDW, Image, Dynamite and others shut down today for at least three weeks.
Incredibly stupid of me, but somehow I didn't anticipate this.

thejeff |
No new comics for a while. Diamond Comics Distributors closed its doors to all new product today, for the foreseeable future.
Transcontinental, printers for DC, Dark Horse, Boom!, IDW, Image, Dynamite and others shut down today for at least three weeks.
Incredibly stupid of me, but somehow I didn't anticipate this.
Alright, now this has gotten serious.
I'm fine with staying home, but if I can't get new comics ...

Damon Griffin |

I'm fine with staying home, but if I can't get new comics ...
The weekly run to my FLGS was a part of my routine for decades, and before that a weekly run to the spinning rack at 7-11, but for the last couple of years I've traded that for one monthly shipment from an online retailer in my state. They upload the Diamond monthly solicitation near the end of each month, their website tracks my past purchases to pre-load likely buys for the new month, I get each issue bagged and boarded, 35% off the retail price, and a flat $5/month shipping fee.
Up through next week. Yesterday they sent all subscribers a notice of how we'd be impacted by the pandemic. I'm following the virus spread, mostly through the John Hopkins web site* and keeping up with local responses, but until I'd received the notice yesterday it had just never connected something as trivial as comics -- I know, heresy; I've been a comics reader for over 50 years -- with something as serious as the pandemic.
*Beware of imitators. At least one site that looks 99.99% like the real one infects the user with the AZORult trojan.
Safe: https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/map.html
Not safe: Corona-Virus-Map.com

thejeff |
thejeff wrote:I'm fine with staying home, but if I can't get new comics ...The weekly run to my FLGS was a part of my routine for decades, and before that a weekly run to the spinning rack at 7-11, but for the last couple of years I've traded that for one monthly shipment from an online retailer in my state. They upload the Diamond monthly solicitation near the end of each month, their website tracks my past purchases to pre-load likely buys for the new month, I get each issue bagged and boarded, 35% off the retail price, and a flat $5/month shipping fee.
Up through next week. Yesterday they sent all subscribers a notice of how we'd be impacted by the pandemic. I'm following the virus spread, mostly through the John Hopkins web site* and keeping up with local responses, but until I'd received the notice yesterday it had just never connected something as trivial as comics -- I know, heresy; I've been a comics reader for over 50 years -- with something as serious as the pandemic.
*Beware of imitators. At least one site that looks 99.99% like the real one infects the user with the AZORult trojan.Safe: https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/map.html
Not safe: Corona-Virus-Map.com
I've been using Westfield for years now, quite happily. I haven't gotten anything from them officially about stopping shipments, but obviously if the printers and distributors are down, they're going to. And I just filled out my order this weekend too. :(

LuisCarlos17Fe |
https://www.cnbc.com/2020/06/12/att-seeks-sale-for-warner-gaming-unit-could -fetch-4-billion.html
AT&T seeks sale for Warner gaming unit, could fetch about $4 billion, sources say
We can agree AT&T is going to keep the rights of the IPs because they can make money with the action-live productions in cinema or teleseries, but it wouldn't be totally impossible if in a future DC was lincenced to be published by other company, something like Star Wars by IDW Publishing.

Greylurker |

Newsarama had an article recently where they were talking about this idea way back when where the two companies would have traded a character at the end of one of those crossover events. The basic idea was that after the event was over 1 character from each company would have been left behind in the other universe. They couldn't do it in the end because the legal hoops were just to much. From what the article said it would have been She-hulk to DC and Martian Manhunter to Marvel.
If you could have just 1 character traded to each universe who would you pick?