Dual Class Variant - Key Ability Score Boost?

Rules Discussion

So you get to have two boosts, one for each class' key ability score?
I do like it that way (it may give you two 18 scores), but really?

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Well, it makes sense. You are equally trained in both classes.

And what if they are the same ability score?

You might be better off just giving the player a choice of key ability scores for class. The Character Advancement section on page 193 of the Gamemastery Guide says that you don't double up on the ability score adjustments as you level up, but nothing is directly stated about handling key ability scores for class at 1st level.

Liberty's Edge

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Personally, I think it's intended to be both, and that I would just give those who double up a free Ability boost of their choice...but an official clarification of some sort would be nice.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

My reading of the ability is that it works like characters who have multiple options for their key ability score, you pick one.

"Then, when you get to the step of choosing a class, select two classes and add everything from each class except Hit Points and starting skills: initial proficiencies, class features, class feats, extra skill feats and skill increases for rogues, and so on."

Step #6: "First, make sure you’ve applied all the ability boosts and ability flaws you’ve noted in previous steps (from your ancestry, background, and class)." As long as the boosts aren't in the same stat in the same [ancestry, background, and class] step you take them all and dual class says "add everything from each class except Hit Points and starting skill" and key ability scores/stat boosts would fall under "everything".

Squiggit wrote:
My reading of the ability is that it works like characters who have multiple options for their key ability score, you pick one.

"Most classes are associated with one key ability score, but some allow you to choose from two options." Multiple options are in class options. From the wording of dual class, you'd get 2 key abilities as you add "everything" not excluded. IMO, you'd need specific wording to make it an option vs getting both.

Thanks for the answers!

----(Second Question)----

Now I read the Key Ability section and saw that your class grants you "a boost (+2 to a score or +1 if already 18 or more)" to the listed choices.
And I am already aware of the "no scores above 18 in Level 1" rule too.

Would this mean that for example, can an Alchemist // Wizard combination gain +4 Intelligence from the C of ABCD alone, freeing up one of the remaining ABD boost choices for keeping that 18 INT score from the start up?

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Lucas Yew wrote:

Thanks for the answers!

----(Second Question)----

Now I read the Key Ability section and saw that your class grants you "a boost (+2 to a score or +1 if already 18 or more)" to the listed choices.
And I am already aware of the "no scores above 18 in Level 1" rule too.

Would this mean that for example, can an Alchemist // Wizard combination gain +4 Intelligence from the C of ABCD alone, freeing up one of the remaining ABD boost choices for keeping that 18 INT score from the start up?

"However, when you gain multiple ability boosts at the same time, you must apply each one to a different score." Core Rulebook pg. 20

In the same step, you can't take a boost in the same stat unless you are using the Voluntary Flaws option, only in the ancestry step to raise your flaw. So you're out if luck: you are in effect wasting one of your dual key abilities bonuses if you pick classes with the same key stats like an Alchemist-Wizard.

graystone wrote:

"However, when you gain multiple ability boosts at the same time, you must apply each one to a different score." Core Rulebook pg. 20

In the same step, you can't take a boost in the same stat unless you are using the Voluntary Flaws option, only in the ancestry step to raise your flaw. So you're out if luck: you are in effect wasting one of your dual key abilities bonuses if you pick classes with the same key stats like an Alchemist-Wizard.

Whoa, missed that little tidbit. Thank you!

Anyway, that's a shame, as thematically Wizards and Alchemists should get along very well, as nerdy folk delving into the esoteries of the world...

Liberty's Edge

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I think most GMs would give you Int and one 'free' boost if going Alchemist/Wizard dual-class. I certainly would.

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Deadmanwalking wrote:
I think most GMs would give you Int and one 'free' boost if going Alchemist/Wizard dual-class. I certainly would.

I've been talking it over with a DM and we've been leaning towards the single boost if you overlap: the reason is that you're able to use a single stat for 2 classes worth of abilities while someone with 2 different key stats is running off 2 stats and has to keep them up. IE, a wizard/alchemist can afford to 'put all his eggs in one basket' while a sorcerer/wizard has 2 stats they need to focus on.

graystone wrote:
Deadmanwalking wrote:
I think most GMs would give you Int and one 'free' boost if going Alchemist/Wizard dual-class. I certainly would.
I've been talking it over with a DM and we've been leaning towards the single boost if you overlap: the reason is that you're able to use a single stat for 2 classes worth of abilities while someone with 2 different key stats is running off 2 stats and has to keep them up. IE, a wizard/alchemist can afford to 'put all his eggs in one basket' while a sorcerer/wizard has 2 stats they need to focus on.

On the other hand, giving a second boost wouldn't be as effective as the first: as you said, your main abilities are already covered.

I mean, a Cleric/Rogue getting Wis and Dex boosts has more advantages than just spell DC and combat prowess: they get improved AC, Perception, two saves, a lot of skills. They have what they their classes 'require', and more.
Why shouldn't a Cleric/Druid have the same?

Megistone wrote:
Why shouldn't a Cleric/Druid have the same?

I think I covered that: the Cleric/Druid only has to raise a single stat to cover abilities. They have the ability to prioritize their other stats as they like. A Cleric/Rogue has to raise 2 stats and the aren't necessarily ones the other side needs: A Warpriest that can get medium armor usually wouldn't need that dex like a rogue would for instance while the rogue side might want cha for a Scoundrel racket. 2 set stats narrow the options you have to work with.

It also eliminates people picking the same key stat to get a free boost someplace else. For instance a ranger [str or dex]/rogue [dex/str/cha] picking dex and dex to get dex and say wis as they don't need/want str or cha.

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I'd give them one key boost and a free one if both classes have the same key ability score.

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