PC Design

Extinction Curse

Paizo Employee Designer

When giving players resources for building their characters, beyond the players' guide, how much of the Life of the Circus section did you give them access too? I want them to have the rules for building their tricks as part of their design, but as I look through here there are other areas that it starts to go into. So, I figured I would come and ask others' thoughts on this.

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I just gave them the full section, but told them that everything starting with payout and prestige isn't particularly important for them to know right off the bat. It's a bit hard to tease out any other parts to cut down. I thought about just listing the traits they have access to currently and cut out any Non-Performer roles that are unlocked by upgrades, but I ran out of time.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

I printed the entire section and some from the toolbox too (weapons and spells). However, I did put blocks over the spoilery bits. There aren't many but I didn't want them to see the chapter names and there was a paragraph in the beginning I covered.

Paizo Employee Designer

Phaye wrote:
I printed the entire section and some from the toolbox too (weapons and spells). However, I did put blocks over the spoilery bits. There aren't many but I didn't want them to see the chapter names and there was a paragraph in the beginning I covered.

Thank you for this suggestion! I decided to do this for them, and now my group is joking about the redacted information. <3


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Northern Dreamer wrote:
Phaye wrote:
I printed the entire section and some from the toolbox too (weapons and spells). However, I did put blocks over the spoilery bits. There aren't many but I didn't want them to see the chapter names and there was a paragraph in the beginning I covered.
Thank you for this suggestion! I decided to do this for them, and now my group is joking about the redacted information. <3

I would give them pages 74 to 79 in the toolbox. Although some of the spells and such are things they'll find as treasure, I'd say the characters can take them, too.

Personally, in the office Extinction Curse campaign I'm running, my players just hit 2nd level and I gave them those pages so they can consider them as options. I also gave them the Animal Trainer archetype from the next volume.

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I gave them the Backgrounds, circus weapons, spells etc.

As for the actual circus rules, I copy-pasted them into a document of my own, which I could then tweak as detailed in the "Circus Show analysis" thread (in this very subforum).

I gave from 60 to 69 as one PDF, then 74 to 79 as another. I snipped the first page of Life in the Circus as it does have a spoiler. Unfortunately, due to my method of snipping PDFs, I couldn't alter the page itself so it still has the side bar.

Oh, and in book two I gave 76 to 77. Really neat archetype and some nice bonus spells.

It definitely reminds me of how much I adore the Uncommon/Rare system. Means I can hand them out as possibilities, get players to check with me before they shove them in and then usually clear it.

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