Tyrant's Grasp Interactive Maps PDF

Tyrant's Grasp

Radiant Oath

Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Does anyone know why there is no Interactive Maps PDF available to purchase for Tyrant's Grasp? I like to print the maps on a plotter without the tags or hidden rooms revealed. Without the Interactive Maps PDF it will require either using fan made versions of the maps or a lot of Photoshop work.

If they are available and I just missed it, please let me know where to find them.

You get them with each chapters pdfs

GrandChefPanda wrote:
You get them with each chapters pdfs

That doesn't really help people who have bought only the physical books. Seems like Paizo is missing out by not selling a la carte...

Twisted_Fister wrote:
GrandChefPanda wrote:
You get them with each chapters pdfs

That doesn't really help people who have bought only the physical books. Seems like Paizo is missing out by not selling a la carte...

I've always got the physical books, just love that feel of paper that I can flick through. however it does make it a little difficult when I need to get the maps into Roll20 for my games. there are some great community created maps out there which are a good size that you can print. I've even made a few which are over at DeviantArt (for want of a better place). it would be great if Paizo made the maps available for free as a downloadable option, like maybe you register the hard copy book to your account somehow, but I'm not sure how that would work.

anyway, good luck.

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