Age of Ashes, Dragonbarb vs Titanbarb


As title, torn between the two.

One hand is my old, 55yr old angry old dude, taking dragon spit and dragon prince, tattoo line of feats, multiclassing into runescarred, Dragonbarb. It's a cool theme, half naked, buff tattooed old guy with red hair, draconian eyes, etc.

Other hand is a half elf human Barb sorc, going elf atavism to ancient elf for sorc, instead of tattoos, going sorcerer casting feats, still going with dragon ancestry stuff though, again, thematics.

On the third hand, because why not, is a titan Barb. Was thinking hobgoblin half orc, not going caster options, just pumping up reach with a big axe, cleaving and whirlwinding.

Any suggestions, options I'm not thinking of?

Going Barb 100%, we got a goblin range rogue, a cleric healer, and a dragonblood sorc.

Dragons are very pertinent to the campaign... giants aren't. I'd choose thematically fitting over anything else everyday of the week, but then again, maybe you really feel the need to scratch the titan barb itch - it *is* a 20-level campaign that will last at least a year in real time, so try to build something you're *really, really* comfortable with and you feel you'll love exploring for a lot of time.

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One note for Dragon Barb I would be careful with the Anathema. This is all I can say and still avoid "Spoilers"

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prileska wrote:

As title, torn between the two.

One hand is my old, 55yr old angry old dude, taking dragon spit and dragon prince, tattoo line of feats, multiclassing into runescarred, Dragonbarb. It's a cool theme, half naked, buff tattooed old guy with red hair, draconian eyes, etc.

Other hand is a half elf human Barb sorc, going elf atavism to ancient elf for sorc, instead of tattoos, going sorcerer casting feats, still going with dragon ancestry stuff though, again, thematics.

On the third hand, because why not, is a titan Barb. Was thinking hobgoblin half orc, not going caster options, just pumping up reach with a big axe, cleaving and whirlwinding.

Any suggestions, options I'm not thinking of?

Going Barb 100%, we got a goblin range rogue, a cleric healer, and a dragonblood sorc.

I'd go with Dragon Barbarian, personally. Giant Barb is too much of a glass cannon. They hit hard but they're too easy to crit and go down way too fast. They're fragile, and for me, that ruins the whole Barbarian vibe.

That said, you may like different things than I do. These are just my personal thoughts.

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