prileska's page

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mikeawmids wrote:
Doesn't book 6 have a 'Continuing the Campaign' article? They usually do.

There is, but I don't want to continue the actual campaign. I just wanted to see if there was any material that takes place in the same general area, after these events.

Looks like "Thralls of the Shattered God" takes place two years later, and seems like a direct continuation almost of that story.

Hey all,

I'm looking for recommendations for what to run after the above campaign. Something that references and/or continues the story of some of the characters and plots. We're on the third book right now and the group is having a blast, and I'm adding in my own hooks and such to other campaigns to leave the window open to continue, just wondering what other ideas and suggestions you guys have.

*by continuing, I mean new game, new characters, potentially kids or ancestors of the previous heroes.

I'm open to 2e modules as well, even the Gamemastery 3.5 too. We ran The Demon Within module prior to the campaign start, replacing the end boss with the Storm King, who ended up escaping and returning to IZ with the Paladin Albright as a trophy to corrupt.

you'd still trigger with the movement though; so it probably would.

Impassable Wall Stance
Prerequisites Attack of Opportunity
[...] when you critically hit with an Attack of Opportunity triggered by a move action, you disrupt that move action.

Attack of Opportunity
[...] the trigger was a manipulate action, you disrupt that action.

Would that then disrupt slide casting? Since it's a manipulate action, and a move action?

"After you use Striking Spell and start Casting a Spell that takes 1 action or more to cast, you can Stride or Step as part of that Cast a Spell activity."

Thanks for the answers, folks.

Came across tonight as a greatsword spirit Barbarian. Plague zombies with weakness slashing 10 and positive energy 10.

Rules are confusing regarding this, so I'd like clarification on the rules and where the information is found as written, not as intended.

My understanding is that the weakness stacks as the weapon slashing damage and the barbarian rage damage are different sources; however, doing an extra 20 damage to the enemy at level 1 is a tad much.

How would you calculate the damage?

Would it be the same as an enemy weak to bludgeoning and cold iron?


As title, torn between the two.

One hand is my old, 55yr old angry old dude, taking dragon spit and dragon prince, tattoo line of feats, multiclassing into runescarred, Dragonbarb. It's a cool theme, half naked, buff tattooed old guy with red hair, draconian eyes, etc.

Other hand is a half elf human Barb sorc, going elf atavism to ancient elf for sorc, instead of tattoos, going sorcerer casting feats, still going with dragon ancestry stuff though, again, thematics.

On the third hand, because why not, is a titan Barb. Was thinking hobgoblin half orc, not going caster options, just pumping up reach with a big axe, cleaving and whirlwinding.

Any suggestions, options I'm not thinking of?

Going Barb 100%, we got a goblin range rogue, a cleric healer, and a dragonblood sorc.

I did notice that, yeah. Since I'll be using a breadtplate likely, I should be sticking with sorcerer for true strike, mirror image, haste, and flight. Either that or celestial for healing, etc. Guess that final decision is made once I know who else is planning on playing.

Okay, thanks much for the explanations.

Thinking going Barbarian base to capitalize on the extra raging damage while enlarged might be a better option for me. Possibly go sorcerer divine for the pally flavor, or sorcerer primal for a bloodrager feel in that case, then.

Or, animal barbarian, druid mc for enlarge... Hmm

Mainly because I really like Celestial Form at 18, and with multiclassing, the highest level feats I could choose would be 1/2 class level, correct?

So how do the enlarge effects work in this version then?

The enlarge spell lists the effect as "Gain clumsy 1, reach +5, +2 damage".

Whereas Giant's Stature gives "Gain clumsy 1, reach +5".

Titan Mauler gives us "Use oversized weapon. Gain clumsy 1, and increase bonus Rage damage from +2 to +6".

Does Giant's Stature also give the +2, due to being larger, as the enlarge spell? And would this be Clumsy 2 while using a large weapon, while enlarged?

The damage die rules state, if I'm using a d12 (2h bastard sword), it doesn't increase. One handed would be 1d8, moving to 2d6 normally, but would that just be d12 then? Or does it just give a simple static + to damage (in the above case, +6 from titan mauler, and the potential +2 from enlarge).

As a followup question, is the extra potential +8 damage worth a dedication, and 2 more feats. When laid out like that, it seems (while thematically cool), mechanically weak.

Ah, well that's pretty lame, Blave. I thought the weapon size rules carried over, shouldn't have assumed that. That's pretty much the idea I had in mind, though - be a big threat, block off choke points, etc. The whole allure to the Raging Giant Paladin was the enlarged weapon damage die, and the reach, combined with power attack. The extra HP from Barb resiliency was an idea to offset the lower AC.

So, it is still doable, but Kyrone's recommendation is going a caster route dedication instead of Barb, for enlarge person and shield spell; whereas K1 is suggesting a better option would be sword and board.

Sounds like Radiant Blade isn't as useful as I thought, seemed pretty cool, though.

My reasoning for Power Attack, stems from the Barb dedication, Large sword, and eventually enlarged with a Huge sword.

Assuming 1 handed:

Power attack (Large Bastard Sword), at 10, would be 2d6 (1H) + 4d6 vs any foe, instead of just evil.

At 12th 3d6+6d6, and 18th at 3d6+9d6 (if we ever get that far).

So the suggestion is pretty much stick with sword and board.

I wasn't aware you can take a heritage feat in place of a general feat? That's why it's there at 3rd. I suppose I can push it to a later level, just seemed like a good idea to grab it early - it's +1 hp per level, which seems a bit more important early on rather than later.

I am kind of dedicated to the bastard sword idea, since it's the deity weapon and RP fluff for Ragathiel. Figured the Giant instinct would allow reach and harder hits, at the cost of some AC (where I'll be in full plate with a shield, I didn't think the impact would be too dire).

I certainly did make an error taking RAdiant Blade at 10th, not sure how I did that. Hm...

I'll have to rearrange a few things, then.


Hi All,

GM has given permission for my PC to be a Half-Dwarf, using the human base stats, and having access to Dwarf and Human racial feats. We will start at level 1, but this is the build I am planning out. Any suggestions on general and skill feats, as well as suggested tweaks, would be helpful. It’s our first foray into PF 2.0, and I of course, like to be the “tank” character leading the group and taking the brunt of the attacks.

LG Champion of Ragathiel (Warrior background)

1. Unburdened Iron, Intimidating Glare, Ranged Reprisal, Shield Block (free)
2. Barbarian Dedication, Skill feat
3. Toughness
4. Sudden Charge, Skill feat
5. Rock Runner
6. Titan Mauler, Skill feat
7. General feat.
8. Radiant Blade Spirit, Skill feat.
9. Multitalented – Fighter Dedication
10. Power Attack, Skill feat
11. General feat
12. Giant’s Stature, Skill feat
13. Mountain’s Stoutness
14. Barbarian Resiliency, Skill feat
15. General feat
16. Litany against Wrath, skill feat
17. Boulder Roll
18. Celestial Form, Skill feat
19. General feat
20. Radiant Blade Master, Skill feat.

Obviously the idea is to use a large bastard sword, enlarge myself so I’m large with a huge bastard sword. The plan is to run around and power attack everything, while using reprisal if allies are attacked near me. Thinking the Titan Wrestling, and Scare to Death are good options for this kind of build, but I'm not sure the optimal places to put those. Of course, ability increase priority will be Str, then Con, and Cha.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.


My question relating to adding more levels:

If I went 5 Fighter, for example, and after, 10 Evangelist, I would go back to Fighter for more levels. Would I start back at Fighter 6, or would I be effectively Fighter 15?

Does make sense that I have already used the "+1 to Arcane and +1 Divine class" bonus, so I likely couldn't get them again - that's a good point.

Pratt, if we went by that logic, we'd have to exclude everything but core classes (alternate, hybrid, unchained, occult, prestige) as they are all subsets of the greater "class" tree. Wouldn't make sense that a prestige class is not considered a class.

Along that line of thought, is it possible to apply Magic Knack to my Mystic Thuerge CL and have, in the end, an ECL Cleric 17/Sorc 18.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Thanks :3

Question, if I'm math'ing it up right, and if this is possible.
Cleric 3/Sorc 4. Using Magic Knack for Sorc, to bring CL +2.

So Cleric3/Sorc4, + Mystic Theurge 1 brings me to ECL Cleric 4, Sorc 7.
Cleric3/Sorc4/MT1/Evangelist 10 (MT aligned), ECL Cleric 13, Sorc 16.

Here's where I have questions.

Since Evangelist levels up as MT Aligned class, does that prevent me from taking classes in MT afterwards? Can I go MT for 2 levels after and be ECL Cleric 15/Sorc 18, or can I not take levels in MT anymore once I align it with Evangelist?

Thanks in advance. gaming/butcher/

If 3pp is allowed

Bloodrager with Steelblood archetype, with Oracle's variant multiclass and lame curse. Medium character, heavy armor. Level 2.

I calculate as: 30 base, minus 10 curse. So, base is now 20. My speed is never reduced due to encumbered status, which helps none here. Heavy armor on base 20 is 15. Level 2 steelblood ups that by 5 in heavy armor to 20 (my max unencumbered speed). Later on as my curse gains benefit, armor does not reduce my speed. So that would be 20 base, no minus from armor, but I'm already at max.


avr, thanks for the suggestion. I'll probably do a scimitar and dd as suggested - will worry about the flavor after the build. Crit build looks like it might work. Thanks!

Eltaco, I'm thinking he's tweaking the xp a bit. He's planning so we end at/near 20 in the hopes of doing a mythic campaign after.

Dryad, using the alternate racial as avr mentioned, I can sub a bonus feat, or regular feat, of any kind, for a tail.

Making a Jade Regent character - DM is pretty lenient when it comes to material as long as it's on the SRD. Just wanting to make a level 20 build for him to look over.

I've decided on the Fighter with the Quickblade archetype. Also, wanting to variant multiclass into Oracle. Taking the Aged curse, for the mental bonuses and physical penalties (and the other bonuses later on). The Wind mystery with Air barrier, wind sight, and wings of air. Probably choose the Read Magic orison, unless there's a better suggestion. DM ruled the VMC Oracle level is 1/2 + 5 for revelation effects as well as curse effects.

Taking a Kitsune race, with alternate feature to get the nine-tail inheritance and lose the bite. They get +2 Dex, +2 Cha, -2 Str so my highest rolls would go to dex, cha and con.

The premise is kind of a sagey ninja-like old dude who can still melee but has some caster abilities as fluff (and some situational stuff).

At level 20, with a one-handed or light weapon, the character has a 25ft speed bonus, can change direction during a charge, can move after an attack, can use light armor only, has a +4 AC, can use air barrier to up the AC by another +12, and have ranged attacks have 50% miss chance for 15hrs/day. Can use 90ft perfect flight for 15min/day, clairaudience/clairvoyance 15rds/day, 14 total feats (8 of which for Magic Tail), 20% concealment during movement, perma-haste, extra actions per turn, +3 Int, Wis, Cha, -1 Str, Dex, Con, immune to magical and non-magical disease, and immune to death effects and will not die of old age. Also the orison at will.

Traits I'll probably do Childhood Crush (for the campaign) and Carefully hidden (as I'll take the raised by humans).

I'm guessing a Dex build would be best (and pump everything into Dex using level bonuses), probably want to use an Asian themed weapon (or a sword-cane as that would fit an old guy).

I'll not deviate from this class and dip other places; unless a total overhaul of the idea is proposed and not really house ruling much (maybe reflavor the swordcane to be an asian blade, if he'd allow that). Other builds that can achieve a similar feel are welcome as well. I was thinking it could probably work with a monk too with an oracle VMC - not a huge fan of unarmed builds though, but I love the speed characters.

My questions:

1. What orison would be best?

2. What feat progression would be best?

Any help would be appreciated!

The DR3 and DR10/adamantite don't stack I assume

I definitely do, gives me a few ideas of how I want to play the character. Thanks for the Thunder and Fang idea, I'll very much like that; I've done TWF before with the scimitar route (I know, I know), but this is different, and I can build a backstory on it too. :)

I did consider Psionics mainly as I have always liked Goliath; I was trying to find a way to have the half-giant template (that's on the srd site) and modifying it slightly. The Aegis' power ranger suit doesn't really interest me, though the Aberrant archetype is neat - the concept seems fairly alien though (like, sci-fi alien).

After thinking on it more and more, I am very much interested in the PrC for living monolith, and the Thunder and Fang style seems really neat. Not sold on the Klar, but it's basically a shield with a punching/slicing dagger in essence, yeah? Earth Breaker though, definitely cool; one handing a big spiked maul as an enlarged statue, I can see the potential in that.

So, let's build on that then:

1st Ftr1; *Endurance, *Iron Will, *Power Attack
2nd Ftr2; *TWF, Bravery I
3rd Ftr3; *Weapon Focus (EB), Armor Training (-1 ACP, +1 max Dex)
4th Ftr4; *Weapon Focus (Klar)
5th Ftr5; *Thunder and Fang, Weapon Training [Hammers]
6th Ftr6; *TWDefence, Bravery II
7th AB1; *Feat, Within the Shell (-2 ACP, sleep in any armor)
8th AB2; One with the armor (Normal speed in heavy armor)
9th LM1; *Feat, 3/day Enlarge, *Toughness
10th LM2; Auto stabilize < 0, immune bleed/blood drain, +2 some saves.

I wonder if bringing AB to 7 after a first level in LM would be best - I figure stat wise I'll want my high Str and Con to be my focal points, 15 for Dex for some AC and TWF pre-reqs. The others not really "dump" stats, but not entirely important.

e* Maybe I could be a Goliath after all and just move one of the feats from first level and shift them down a bit. They allow the use of weapons one size category larger, so I could technically have a really big hammer and klar combo. Also my enlarge would make me huge instead of large, since I'd be "large" already in terms of spells.

Changing it up:

Human w/Armor Expert trait.

1st Ftr1; *Endurance, *Iron Will, *Power Attack
2nd Ftr2; *FtrFeat, Bravery I
3rd Ftr3; *Feat, Armor Training I (-1 ACP, +1 max Dex)
4th Ftr4; *Ftrfeat
5th Ftr5; *Feat, Weapon Training I
6th Ftr6; *Ftrfeat, Bravery II
7th AB1; *Feat, Within the Shell (-2 ACP, sleep in any armor)
8th AB2; One with the armor (Normal speed in heavy armor)
9th LM1; *Feat, 3/day Enlarge, *Toughness
10th LM2; Auto stabilize < 0, immune bleed/blood drain, +2 some saves.

Some feats unaccounted for. Start with medium armor until I can afford a heavy option (I originally saw my character as a magical crafter of armor from a barbarian tribe hence the barb/sorc hybrid class, so aspiring to create the best armor is still their goal; need to edit that a bit though)- probably doable by 7th. With the Living Monolith PrC, I was thinking of using Stoneplate, a stoneplate armor bonded would essentially end up with stone skin (so less mechanical, more statuesque). Stoneplate is heavier (which is negated from AB2), instead of mithril, I guess a magical lightweight stone (I'm sure my DM will allow it if it's cost and mechanics are the same) leaving an unenchanted Stoneplate at +9, more max dex than I'll ever need, no ACP, with no speed reduction.

Not sure now if I want natural attacks, or a big 2her since with Enlarge it makes everything bigger (big statue guy with a keen falchion or something). Maybe go with your brawler and Hamatula idea up top, with the mammoth lord helm if I go the nat attack way. Since I'll essentially be a big statue, I can just hit things with stone fists (pretty much). LM goes on to add some neat stone based stuff, becoming immortal at 10, and healing when using enlarge. It's a pretty neat concept when mixed with Armor Bonded so the character is essentially a living statue at all times, who can enlarge and is immortal.

*Sigh, it seems Armor Bonded really doesn't offer much outside of flavor that a fighter can't really emulate though - the armor mastery pretty much gets the same results just not becoming bonded to it; aside from the Stat increases - I can graft on +2 to any ability, which can stack to +4. So 7 levels in AB can grant +4 Str, +7 to max dex on armor, -2 ACP, no speed reduction and a 4000g ability and the flavor of armor becoming the skin and not able to be removed.

The helm and strike additions are neat, and I'll definitely look into those for sure. And yes, as Alzhan said, Steelblood allows heavy armor with no penalty and lower ACP.

It's also not for a level 30 adventure, he just asked us to show him what we would like our characters to eventually end up becoming so he can make sure the party is fairly balanced. We will be starting at level 1, but he wants to know what we hope to have our characters grow into (also so he can plan adventures that will counter our strengths and make it challenging too).

He's had some bad experiences in the past where a group member overpowered everything and caused the rest of the group to lose interest. He wants to ensure that everyone has a fun concept they want to play, but also to make sure that we are all fairly balanced.

He knows most of the other characters already, but we won't know who is playing what until we start (our characters wake up in a room with each other, with no recollection how we got there, amidst a war with two opposing factions who see us as enemies).

I know we have healing and ranged covered, that's about it. I am wanting a sort of tanky/damage hybrid. I thought the concept of a melee fighter with the heavy armor always appealing.

The Tengu warpriest does seem neat though; spikey armored birdman with divine power, hm.

I'll take some of your suggestions, Alzhan, thanks for that. Nennafir and Scott, while those builds are impressive, they lose all of the flavor I was going for. I really enjoy the armor bonded concept, I don't have an interest in becoming a troll or octopus, really.

And Scott, as much as I'd like to pull from other sources, I meant in terms of Pathfinder.

I'm not looking for an overpowered optimized build. I'm looking for a viable build, with some of the flavor I listed. I'm not overly keen on turning into an oversized monster of a character. Enlarge self, yeah, that's neat, but turning into a giant or a troll or whatnot isn't appealing at all.

I was looking around a little and thought building on the Kyton theme would be neat too; losing the DD in favor of a more focused role utilizing a spiked chain (or dual wielding a spiked whip); so they'd be essentially an armor bonded covered in chains and making constant AoOs to trip and disarm using those chains (thematically, anyway). I'm sure it wouldn't be hard to use a spiked chain like a whip; maybe I'm wrong in that.

Thanks for the suggestions though.

My friend is a GM and he wants me to play with him and the guys. We aren't doing the mythic route, apparently. I can use whatever I want (yay) as long as I can back up with a source online or in a book.

The concept I want, after looking around, is eventually ending with the Armor Bonded ( I thought having a skin tight suit of full plate, the metal separating itself as my mouth opens etc, to be really cool. Then, of course, I saw the Kyton bloodline for Bloodragers (imagine the armor bonded covered in chains), and of course, the Dragon Disciple (with platinum [metal] wings). So, here's my idea; I'm sure you'll tear it apart as I'm pretty much a newb to this stuff, but here goes.

Start with Bloodrager to 5 ( Archetype to Crossblooded and Steelblooded (Draconic/Kyton). Take a -2 hit to Will saves (boo), get some mythril fullplate @ 9AC, +4 Max Dex, -2 ACP, 25ft speed and no spell failure. At level 5, have claws, resist cold 5, +1 AC from draconic resistance.

Grab the 10 levels in DD and 1 more in Bloodrager, getting +3 nat AC, a bite, +4 Str, +2 Con, +2 Int, 3 bonus feats, breath attack, wings, and bloodline levels to give me (at 16) resist cold 10 and +4 AC from draconic resistance, resist cold 10 more and +8 ac from armor of chains, more breath attacks, and agony's embrace gives me +2 Str bonus when hit by crits. I end my bloodline leveling at 16, capstone for kyton is dr/10 good and silver, and cold immune (which isn't too great since I have a lot of resist anyway), or Dragon gives me immune to sleep and paralysis which I'll give up (the agony's embrace isn't too great either, but it's 2 more ac from draconic, and 4 more from Kyton, soooo).

Anyways, then move to the cool Armor Bonded which negates speed penalty from armor (so I'll move at 35ft), can sleep in it without penalty, don't need to ever take it off or anything as it's part of my skin, ACP is reduced again by 2 and max dex is increased by 1, plus my class level (5), so: Mythril Fullplate, +9AC, Max Dex +8, –0 ACP, 0% fail.

Add it all up: 10 +9 from armor, +3 from DD, +8 from Kyton chains, +4 from Draconic resistance for 34 AC. BAB is 18/13/8/3, with saves at 13/7/7. Some spells (3/2/1/1), with a caster level of 12 I think.

Is this good, or do you have suggestions on a better build with a similar concept? Or does the concept suck and is not viable at all?

Could I put a spiked chain somewhere in there for flavor or just stick with natural weapons?

Also, I have no real idea on feats. And I have 9 more levels to work with, but once I have a level 30 character I can show him for approval and we will all start at level 1.

Any help is appreciated!