Androids do not breath, or can not breath?

Rules Questions

Hello! I want to play a Biotech augmented Android.

The gill sheath says when you breath water, you filter out oxygen from the water.

I wanted to be like a backup oxygen generator for a party member just in case.

So, can my android mimic the breathing process for the purpose of gill sheath you think?

"Androids do not need to breathe and are unaffected by being in a vacuum"

From the quote above, i'd say it is apparent that androids don't have lungs and as biotech modifies biological systems i'd say that you don't have the necessary pre-requisites for the biotech to latch onto.

That being said, i'm sure a decent cybernetics doc could whip you up some kind of custom mod to do what you're after :)

What Vo said. Although I think you're going the long way around for something that can be accomplished much more readily. Besides most armor has life support built in so why would a party member need it? It seems like a very unlikely scenario

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Vo wrote:

"Androids do not need to breathe and are unaffected by being in a vacuum"

From the quote above, i'd say it is apparent that androids don't have lungs and as biotech modifies biological systems i'd say that you don't have the necessary pre-requisites for the biotech to latch onto.

That being said, i'm sure a decent cybernetics doc could whip you up some kind of custom mod to do what you're after :)

I disagree.

They do have lungs, or at least a lung slot for augmentations, because nothing in their trait list says otherwise. "Do not NEED to breathe" is not "CAN'T breathe."

That said, I don't think there is a mechanism in the rules for an android generating extra air... that's one of the traits of at least one plant race. I wouldn't allow it except as a creative PC solution in an emergency.

Why would androids be engineered with biological lungs (which they'd need to be for the biotech to graft on to) if they don't need them ? I'm all for redundancies, but that seems a little extreme :)

Kidding aside - i'm trying to apply logic rather than applying the game rules. Dracomicron is correct in that nothing in the rules explicitly forbids this. It comes down to you GM's style - it certainly wouldn't pass muster in my game.

Vo wrote:

"Androids do not need to breathe and are unaffected by being in a vacuum"

From the quote above, i'd say it is apparent that androids don't have lungs and as biotech modifies biological systems i'd say that you don't have the necessary pre-requisites for the biotech to latch onto.

That's way overthinking it and expecting a consistency the rules don't have to extrapolate rules.

Nothing in the rules says that androids don't have lung slot.

The rules lean VERY heavily on the "don't worry about it, every species has something analogous unless we say so" idea. The android has a CPU cooling fan or something they can rig for the same thing.

Kidding aside - i'm trying to apply logic rather than applying the game rules

But only apply it one way and not the other. You're talking about a world where 200 credits will change your sex and fo 4,000 credits they can turn you into a doppleganger in an afternoon. "hey, can you open me up, shove a few organs aside, and install a bellows" is a high school garage project in this universe.

BurnJ wrote:

I wanted to be like a backup oxygen generator for a party member just in case.

Something might do that but the gills augmentation isn't it. Buy canned air from pact worlds and keep it in the other armor upgrade slot?

Vo wrote:

Why would androids be engineered with biological lungs (which they'd need to be for the biotech to graft on to) if they don't need them ? I'm all for redundancies, but that seems a little extreme :)

Kidding aside - i'm trying to apply logic rather than applying the game rules. Dracomicron is correct in that nothing in the rules explicitly forbids this. It comes down to you GM's style - it certainly wouldn't pass muster in my game.

I'll direct you towards this thread:

Sorry, too early to try an remember how to code that as a link.

The point is, everything works for every race. Even when logic says it wouldn't.

BigNorseWolf wrote:

You're talking about a world where 200 credits will change your sex and fo 4,000 credits they can turn you into a doppleganger in an afternoon. "hey, can you open me up, shove a few organs aside, and install a bellows" is a high school garage project in this universe.

True, which is why my original post mentioned a cyberneticist could whip up a custom mod to do the same thing. In game terms it would do the same thing as per the rules, but flavour-wise it feels better to me.

I'm all for letting everyone have access to all upgrades, mods etc I just like to justify it with the tiniest sprinkling of logic - even n such a fantastic setting.

Really weird that androids developed to very closely mimic humanity has all the same organs present.

It’s 1000x weirder that androids are subject to poison and disease than that they have lung structures. They talk so they need some sort of air displacement method and they eat so why reeingeer all the insides, but if they don’t require oxygen for cellular respiration how is their biological replacement cell equivalent subject to poison and disease?

Of course very few poisons should work across different races in the first place.


Armory p4 wrote:
While Starfinder has a preponderance of nonhumanoid aliens with strange morphology, any playable alien race can purchase and use the equipment in this book. A betentacled barathu (Starfinder Alien Archive 20) soldier can wield a hydra cannon and make use of hoverskates just as easily as a kasathan soldier

this right here is the guiding principle on what you can buy, install, use etc. An Android can use lung augments just as easily as a human

I'd give players a lot of leeway in their character design. I'd suggest that many androids have a lung equivalent for talking, but don't need to breathe unless they want to speak, sigh, or perhaps play the tuba.

It's not specified by the rules, but my reasoning is that the biological portions of an android still need oxygen. One way this could be played is that androids have an oxygen buffer good for several days (like armor environmental protection systems) and that they breath and replenish the oxygen supply when they have access to breathable air.

With the wide variety of androids, it may even make sense that some come with short range radio instead of lungs and vocal cords, so they can talk directly to the comm units of those nearby (you might treat it as limited telepathy from a gameplay standpoint). Normal speech by androids without lungs could be accomplished by an electronic speaker just under the skin of their neck or the back of their throat.

My Particular interpretation is that androids don't "need" to breathe, but they do. Their body, being based off of living organisms, still has a function that acts like lungs. This leads to the absence of air being meaningless but the presence of something that is not air is very important. Both the breathing in of toxins and poisons in the air as well as drowning now are feasible dangers for an android.


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