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Nanocyte definitely sounds like fun, i'm keen to see where yo go with it.

But please please please don't fall down the rabbit hole with mechs.

Starfinder isn't a mech game, please don't start rebuilding the setting and chopping up the rules to suit giant suits of armour.

Country : ARES (Authority Region E5)
Capital : The Hub
Regions :
Interface - visitor friendly trading market
Array - vast databanks, their attendants and staff responsible for feeding the Array more knowledge
Stacks - dense residential structures
Towns :
Pear - populated by attractive synthetics with limited functions yet strangely arrogant
Micron - a single gestalt entity of nanites forms this whole town and its denizens
525 Betamax - a retirement village

Pantshandshake wrote:

The uniclamp's rules of operation are that it runs whatever controls necessary to use the clamped device to the trigger mechanism of the weapon its clamped to, making it as if you're wielding the clamped device.

Ahh thanks, hadn't picked up that.

From a practical sense, no it wouldn't work. The pistol would be horrible to fire, almost impossible to aim.

From a rules point of view, i'd point out that the uniclamp "holds" an item of up to 1 bulk. That's the same as a holster "holding" a sidearm, it's not being wielded.


Time consider jumping ship :)

Real time

That's no data cable, and it doesn't go there !


So the previous captain had to cobble together the AI from different code sources. Don't be surprised if ARCHON makes your bed, sorts the kitchen cutlery by atomic weight or invites every sensor contact to morning brunch.

Licence to interact with the locals

Licence to interact with the bureaucracy

Licence to trade

Licence to wear a hat

Don't forget to stock up on healing serums :)

BigNorseWolf wrote:

You're talking about a world where 200 credits will change your sex and fo 4,000 credits they can turn you into a doppleganger in an afternoon. "hey, can you open me up, shove a few organs aside, and install a bellows" is a high school garage project in this universe.

True, which is why my original post mentioned a cyberneticist could whip up a custom mod to do the same thing. In game terms it would do the same thing as per the rules, but flavour-wise it feels better to me.

I'm all for letting everyone have access to all upgrades, mods etc I just like to justify it with the tiniest sprinkling of logic - even n such a fantastic setting.

Why would androids be engineered with biological lungs (which they'd need to be for the biotech to graft on to) if they don't need them ? I'm all for redundancies, but that seems a little extreme :)

Kidding aside - i'm trying to apply logic rather than applying the game rules. Dracomicron is correct in that nothing in the rules explicitly forbids this. It comes down to you GM's style - it certainly wouldn't pass muster in my game.

"Androids do not need to breathe and are unaffected by being in a vacuum"

From the quote above, i'd say it is apparent that androids don't have lungs and as biotech modifies biological systems i'd say that you don't have the necessary pre-requisites for the biotech to latch onto.

That being said, i'm sure a decent cybernetics doc could whip you up some kind of custom mod to do what you're after :)

Its not a consumable, its a thrown weapon that can be retrieved and re-used. So i'd suggest you have to pay the fusion cost for each, but you could re-use it.

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Ohhh the Kasathanity !

Won't somebody think of the younglings !

Wing it :)

Cut down enemy numbers a little, boost in a few healing serums - but most importantly, cheat a little :) Fudge a few die rolls in the players favour if they're getting hammered, let a monster go down before all its HPs are gone.

The game is supposed to be fun, your job is to give the players a good time. Make them feel like big damn heroes, don't sweat the numbers too much.

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breithauptclan wrote:

... can take the entire round to make two attacks with a -2 on both of them.

Actually it's a -4 to both attacks, feats/abilities can change this.

Xenocrat wrote:
Constellation Blast, pg 87: "When you use this ability, you create three 10-foot-radius bursts within 60 feet of you, each of which cannot overlap and must be centered no more than 15 feet from the center of one other radius." Literally no one can figure out what this means, and the people cry out for justice.

So start out with the a 60' circle around you - plot your first burst inside that range. Now the second burst must be within 15 feet of the first, and still within the 60' range. The third must be within 15 feet of one of the first two, still within the 60' range. No overlaps.

So your bursts could be (all within that 60' range, no more than 10' gap between "adjacent" bursts) :






(underscores for formatting the post only)

Does that help ?

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BigNorseWolf wrote:

I'm not so worried about needing a mechanical concept like a class to bolster the flavor of a person.

I feel the Envoy class brings with it a certain flavour, which is backed up Expertise. The class skills and lack of direct combat punch drives you to approach situations without "combat goggles" on - talking is the focus.

I'm not suggesting other classes can't have as interesting a character as an Envoy, in fact Starfinder has so much going on I can't think of another game where so many interesting and varied characters jump out of the source material.

I guess i'm not quite so worried about class balance - I love an underdog :)

I've got a murder hobo in my regular group, it can be a pain in the backside.

The way I usually deal with it is to ensure any evil act (against character) has consequences. And if there are no witnesses / evidence, plague them with bad dreams causing penalties to any rolls. Maybe send a ghost or two to haunt them :)

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Lightning Raven wrote:
The envoy good the short end of the stick, that's an undeniable fact.

The Envoy may be underpowered on the page, but for me the roleplaying possibilities are what makes the class.

I'm the face, the Captain of the ship.

For me, that more than makes up for a lack of combat punch.

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In the game we have just started my character is an Envoy, an ex military officer.

She can stare down the Vesk with Intimidate

She can turn enemies into allies with Diplomacy

She's a living lie detector, competent engineer and fair battlefield medic.

She can restore 9 stamina to each character in a battle, at range (Don't tell me that little flea bite hurt, Mr Rahl !)

She can grant +2 on a reflex save as a reaction

As ex Navy I spent a feat to give her longarm proficiency so she can hold her own in a firefight

All this at level 2. What's not to love.

The world could contain a strategically important nexus of gates to other worlds.

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Hiding is for winners

Anything that can be taken apart, should be taken apart

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I'd worry that if they brought in Mechs, that would end up being all the game was about.