Vidmaster7 |

I liked suicide squad better then some but its probably more on the bad movie side for me. Cat woman is probably my bottom of the barrel. WW is sitting in the middle for me. right with justice league. my rating systems is basically if I could watch it again. I can watch justice league several times because of the cool fight scenes. So I guess that puts ww84 slightly below it.

Fumarole |
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Anyone else feel bad for Handsome Guy?

DeathQuaker RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8 |

DeathQuaker wrote:I saw the movie on the big screen at a private screening (six of us in the theater well spread out and masked)Relieved Freehold is relieved
The entire engagement was also arranged by a friend of mine who is a MICU nurse who thoroughly confirmed the theater was doing good sanitization procedures and put the fear of God into anyone who might be considering taking off their mask.
Edit: Yes, since we are bringing it up: I also felt bad for not-Lyle-Waggoner, whose name we never even learn. For the non-child within part of me, that was the one aspect of the film I actively disliked (there are plot holes elsewhere that I can thoroughly handwave due to rule of cool; this one is not subject to that). I can set it aside to enjoy the movie, as I trust the situation as they set it up was not intended this way, but Steve and Diana's rather callous disregard for this dude's life is both concerning and wildly out of character. I feel like something got rewritten or edited out (or could have been rewritten or redited) that would have improved that situation. That's all I'm going to say here on it as frankly as much as I respect many of y'all's opinions, I'm not sure I trust the Internet in general to dive deep on the topic in a genuine and civil manner.
Interestingly, were this actually a film made in the '80s, far fewer people would be having this conversation. I think it's a good thing audiences are now learning to pick up on stuff like this.

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They missed a real opportunity here to have a consistent theme in WW84. Jenkins was talking about WB brass wanting to drop the double opening (as is, it probably should have been dropped). We are treated to this valuable life lessen Diana learns about winning without truth being bad. Instead of Diana spending most of the movie fighting the urge to keep Steve (shortcut), she should eventually decide she cannot, because the truth is Steve is living in a borrowed body. This truth lessen could have been paralleled into the Barbra and Max stories for a consistent message. A pretty heroic one too. Instead, WW84 is a meandering story about stuff.

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Alternatively they could of just had the wish create him a body.
Which would have made so much more sense. I could see that for convenience, they wanted him to have an apartment and a bunch of funny 80s clothes to change into and out of, for those scenes, and if the wish just barfed him up homeless in the clothes he died in, that would have been a titch more difficult, but still, I think I'd have preferred the 'more difficult' approach where Diana has to take him to a mall for modern clothes and then back to her apartment for nookie.

Quark Blast |
Werthead wrote:Pitch Meeting on the case here.Nice, I love these pitch meetings.
Yeah, pitch meetings are tight!
After I watched Stuckmann's review I was still going to see this but now after watching ScreenRant.... nope.
As for all the issues the pitch meeting didn't address, the comments section has got it covered (Barbara is bullied because she is a nerd...by other people who work in a museum. Think about that.; At least when General Zod's message broadcasted all over the world looking for Kal, he did it in every language.; Wonder Woman 1: Diana’s Mother doesn’t want her daughter training as a child. Wonder Woman 2: Diana’s Mother is proud her daughter is training as a child.; etc.).
And, as another comment noted, I was so looking forward to Rogue Squadron.

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So she could of been any apex predator? like a killer whale?
yes I suppose she could of been a Orca whale but fortunately she wasn't so the fight is more interesting.
I whole heartedly disagree.Is a cheetah really a apex predator? Don't hyena's and lions mess with them all the time?
I'm pretty sure cheetahs are ambush predators, relying on stealth and a burst of speed.

Andostre |
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After I watched Stuckmann's review I was still going to see this but now after watching ScreenRant.... nope.
"Reviews" that are made for comedic purposes are always going to focus on the negative because that makes for easier laughs.
I tend to like movies nowadays where it's obvious the filmmakers are putting in the effort to make something different instead of re-hashing similar effects and themes as we've seen lately. While I understand why the movie isn't getting great reviews, I certainly don't think it's bad, and I liked it overall.
The lasso special effects were over-bright and slightly campy, and I think that was a design choice rather than them trying to do something "realistic" and missing the mark. It fit the 80s motif, in my opinion. Maybe. And I thought the final battle between WW and Cheetah was relatively unique, so in that respect, I really liked it.
I recognize that the movie had several issues, but I'm not up for getting into them.

Quark Blast |
Quark Blast wrote:After I watched Stuckmann's review I was still going to see this but now after watching ScreenRant.... nope."Reviews" that are made for comedic purposes are always going to focus on the negative because that makes for easier laughs....
Stuckmann is no comedian or click-baiter. His reviews are rather sober for YouTube in general and the Internet in particular.
IMDB has WW1984 at 5.5; that's hella-low for their rating system. Unfortunately it's not bad enough to be unintentionally entertaining, so I'll not be viewing it.
WW2017 was 7.4 and I typically find anything over about a 7.0 rating to be worth viewing if one is otherwise interested.

Andostre |

Andostre wrote:Stuckmann is no comedian or click-baiter. His reviews are rather sober for YouTube in general and the Internet in particular.Quark Blast wrote:After I watched Stuckmann's review I was still going to see this but now after watching ScreenRant.... nope."Reviews" that are made for comedic purposes are always going to focus on the negative because that makes for easier laughs....
I was referring to the ScreenRant "Pitch Meeting." The funny one that made you decide to skip the movie.

Quark Blast |
Quark Blast wrote:I was referring to the ScreenRant "Pitch Meeting." The funny one that made you decide to skip the movie.Andostre wrote:Stuckmann is no comedian or click-baiter. His reviews are rather sober for YouTube in general and the Internet in particular.Quark Blast wrote:After I watched Stuckmann's review I was still going to see this but now after watching ScreenRant.... nope."Reviews" that are made for comedic purposes are always going to focus on the negative because that makes for easier laughs....
Fair point but not especially relevant for my case as the Pitch Meeting merely tipped the balance, not by being funny, but by detailing spoilery plot-holes not mentioned by Stuckmann. And then there's the IMDB rating - yikes!