Phoenix and Unicorn Bloodlines

Rules Questions

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The missing bloodline spell for the Unicorn bloodline is neutralize poison, correct?

The bloodline skill for the Phoenix bloodline is listed as knowledge arcana. Though clearly this is incorrect since that is already a class skill. Was there any official word on what the bloodline skill should be first?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Archive of Nethys lists the Unicore bloodline spells as

Bonus Spells: cure light wounds (3rd), cure moderate wounds (5th), cure serious wounds (7th), neutralize poison (9th), atonement (11th), heal (13th), greater restoration (15th), mass cure critical wounds (17th), mass heal (19th).

And the same source lists the Phoenix class skill as Knowledge (Arcana). Odd but that is what is listed. A cursory look a the bloodline class skills don't have overlap with the sorcerer base class skills but I didn't do an exhaustive search.

as for the bloodline skill. it has other things it might effect .such as picking eldritch heritage(phoenix) which asks for skill focus in the skill the bloodline give. as well as archetypes that change the skills the class get (if there are any) or that the bloodline give (of those im pretty sure iv seen some).
beside that ,it seam knowledge arcane is set as a theme for this bloodline. seeing it have effect on the bonus feats (skill focus (knowledge arcane) and the 1st level arcane power ('The Unseen World') which is all about seeking more knowledge of arcane stuff.

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The bloodline skill is a bonus class skill, if you get a bonus class skill that is already a class skill then that is mistake. It's bad enough that sorcerers have such a limited class skill selection as it is. Personally knowledge history, perception, or even sense motive would have made better choices.

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Dragon78 wrote:
The bloodline skill is a bonus class skill, if you get a bonus class skill that is already a class skill then that is mistake. It's bad enough that sorcerers have such a limited class skill selection as it is. Personally knowledge history, perception, or even sense motive would have made better choices.

I agree. At the very least they could of done the same thing the arcane bloodline does and made it a knowledge skill of your choice.

Yeah LordKailas, that is a good idea.

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