Kudos to Paizo for Pathfinder 2E

Pathfinder Second Edition General Discussion

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Just a shout out to the Paizo design team for how much me and my group are enjoying the game

Have been doing this RPG thing for some time (GMed my first session in 79) and have played every edition of D&D/Pathfinder. Despite my grognardian age, I've never been an edition warrior - every iteration of the game I love brought some new ideas that I enjoyed.

That said, D&D 5E didn't hold my interest for long (love what the game has done for the hobby but found it a bit too retro for my own personal preference).

Have learned that I like two styles of RPG - heavily narrative (this is when I bust out Blades in the Dark or Apocalypse World) and rules crunchy but without excessive bloat or "White Tower design" issues. Had been looking for an RPG that would fill that second niche when Pathfinder 2E released.

Is the game perfect? What system is . . .
But 10 sessions into a campaign set in my old homebrew D&D world me and my players are loving the game. The rules set and design philosophy are great - looking forward to test driving the upcoming ACG play test to see if that trend continues.

Just two coppers worth from an old gamer

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Even if I have some details I don't like much, the system as a whole is superb, and while some criticism are always needed, we should not forget that the game is a very good game.

What is ACG?

larsenex wrote:
What is ACG?

I assume they mean the APG (Advanced Players Guide). The playtest for this is dropping in the next few weeks.

The ACG in PF1 was the Advanced Class Guide, presumably will come later.

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I did in fact mean the Advanced Players Guide. Please forgive Grampa GenX memory, sometimes the editions blend together . . .

We using THAC0 or the combat matrices this edition?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Alphadork wrote:

I did in fact mean the Advanced Players Guide. Please forgive Grampa GenX memory, sometimes the editions blend together . . .

We using THAC0 or the combat matrices this edition?

I'm all about that. When a first level fighter needed to roll 21 to hit AC -7...

Yea. But if I'm fighting something with a -7 AC at level 1, I'm running away.

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