Darkvision and range

Rules Questions

So if I have 60 ft of darkvision. Does that have to start from me? We had an issue where a baddie cast darkness. And I was 100 feet away. Would I be able to see 60 feet into the darkvision? Or do I need to be adjacent to the darkness effect or in it?

I'm not sure what you're asking.

Page 263: Darkvision is the ability to see with no light source at all, out to a range specified in the creature’s description.

So you can see out to 60 feet via Darkvision. If you're 100 feet away from the darkness, you can't see into it with Darkvision.

Micheal Smith said wrote:

We had an issue where a baddie cast darkness

As there is no Darkness spell in Starfinder, I assume this is a question for the Pathfinder forums.


Sc8rpi8n_mjd wrote:
Micheal Smith said wrote:

We had an issue where a baddie cast darkness

As there is no Darkness spell in Starfinder, I assume this is a question for the Pathfinder forums.

There are spells that lower the light level, that effectively act as the pf spell darkness.

To the OP
I do not believe that the rules are specific on the origin point of the Darkvision ability. Due a small bit to how eyes work (and simplicity), I lean toward the character being the origin point. A great question though.

As a side note, though I think this is a solid candidate for a FAQ, I very heavily doubt that it would ever receive one.

Sc8rpi8n_mjd wrote:
Micheal Smith said wrote:

We had an issue where a baddie cast darkness

As there is no Darkness spell in Starfinder, I assume this is a question for the Pathfinder forums.

I am positive I know the difference between Starfinder and Pathfinder. It could have been a special ability. Either way they created darkness.

"Dr." Cupi wrote:
Sc8rpi8n_mjd wrote:
Micheal Smith said wrote:

We had an issue where a baddie cast darkness

As there is no Darkness spell in Starfinder, I assume this is a question for the Pathfinder forums.

There are spells that lower the light level, that effectively act as the pf spell darkness.

To the OP
I do not believe that the rules are specific on the origin point of the Darkvision ability. Due a small bit to how eyes work (and simplicity), I lean toward the character being the origin point. A great question though.

As a side note, though I think this is a solid candidate for a FAQ, I very heavily doubt that it would ever receive one.

I have always had it where I could see into darkness with dark vision regardless of where it is. I have always interpreted it as you can see 60 feet into dark vision regardless how far the darkness is from you. I mean as long as you could normally see that far.

If I am wrong then so be it but I just want some clarification.

Micheal Smith wrote:
Sc8rpi8n_mjd wrote:
Micheal Smith said wrote:

We had an issue where a baddie cast darkness

As there is no Darkness spell in Starfinder, I assume this is a question for the Pathfinder forums.

I am positive I know the difference between Starfinder and Pathfinder. It could have been a special ability. Either way they created darkness.

My bad. I assumed you were talking about a spell.

To answer your question, Wingblaze got it righ. You basically have an "aura" of sorts that starts in your square, and you count in all directions to see how much you can see.

If you have darkvision 60 ft. range, and the bad guy that created the effect is 100 ft away; or the border of the darkness effect starts 100 ft. way, your darkvision doesn't reach that far and you can't see what happens inside the darkness area.

Sc8rpi8n_mjd wrote:
If I am wrong then so be it but I just want some clarification.

In that case, I would say you are wrong. This isn't some kind of spell effect you use at range. You have darkvision to a range of 60 feet from where your eyeballs are.

Wingblaze, I think you misquoted me :-)

Sorry replies never seem to work right for me. Can't seem to edit it eitehr

I'll go ahead and agree that Darkvision isn't just something that adds 60 feet of seeing in darkness to your regular vision.

You don't see in regular light for 40 feet then 60 more feet in the dark with darkvision, you can just see 60 feet (or whatever your darkvision range is) from your character in the dark.

Add me the list that agrees darkvision originates from the spot where the character is.

I have always played it that way across several different rule sets.

Darkvision is a form of Vision that allows your eyes to see in the dark with a 60' range. It originates from you eyes, or whatever you use to see with.

So if you were in a completely dark room, and had dark vision, and the bad guy was 70' away, you would not be able to see him.

If you were outside and some castes "Darkness" 100' away, your would have to move closer to see inside the darkness

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