Atalius |

What are your favorite Cleric Domains and why? Some of them appear to be strictly a waste of time. I look at some abilities that have potential ie. Dazzling Flash then notice all that is required is an interact action and the blindness is gone. How the mighty have fallen since PF1 days, where the Clerics Domains were once a thing to be feared, Clerics could have their builds completely built around their domain powers, that doesn't seem like the case now.

Kyrone |

I like a lot of domains powers, specially the social or the domains that give utility outside of battle, like the City domain looks really fun in campaign with a lot of espionage or happens mostly in a city, truth domain so everyone says what you are speaking is really what you believe is the truth or just let you see through illusions
For battle ones I like the support focus spells of the family domain, Magic is another that I am fond of, resistance and better saving throws against magic and the Mystic Beacon heightening other people spells can be interesting.

Joyd |
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Even with the interact action to remove the blindness, they're still dazzled typically until the end of combat. Dazzled is really good in PF2e; putting dazzled on the enemies is the equivalent of casting Blur on your whole party and also has other benefits. That they're also forced to use an action if they don't want to be blinded for the whole round is icing on the cake. The interact action to remove the blindness provokes AoOs, making it very difficult for an enemy hit by it to have a productive turn without eating an attack if your party contains a fighter or somebody who's taken a feat that grants AoOs. It's not the best effect in the world, but it's a big step up from the vast majority of offensive Domain powers in PF1e.

baahk36 |
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Gozreh has pretty much all my favorite domains. None are necessarily the absolute best but all can be used effectively if you get creative. I also like that they give you options for warpriest or cloistered builds.
Travel-lends itself to either build and lets you get where you need to be when you need to be there. The advanced domain lets you circumvent challenges that might otherwise require a spell slot to get around.
Air-The basic power is just ok but the fact that it has a range of 500 feet certainly makes it interesting. The advanced domain though is great. It makes those times you have to move into a questionable location a lot less risky. Again great for cloistered or warpriest.
Nature-probably better for the warpriest as their more likely to be in a position for the basic domain power to matter. The advanced power is nice just to get your party up and running faster.
Water-at first glance seems lackluster, and is definitely more useful for cloistered clerics. But the basic power is great to use on your allies who can choose to critically fail allowing you to move them in or out of combat as the situation may demand. The advanced power is situational, but as many times as enemies like to throw fire at parties makes it a fun trick to have in your back pocket. Not to mention the number of times I've played adventures where something was hurting down, especially now that create water isn't a cantrip anymore.