Where to start for a complete newbie?

Pathfinder Society

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I’m a veteran of tabletop, and have done other organized play (D&D Encounters, back in the 4e days) in the past, but am coming into Pathfinder somewhat fresh and know just about nothing about Society. What do I need to know and where do I look if I’m at least curious about dipping my toes in with a 2e Society game? Would really appreciate the help

Scarab Sages 5/5 5/5 *** Venture-Captain, Washington—Spokane


Welcome to the Pathfinder Society!! Since the Head Initiate, Janira Gavix, is currently unavailable, I will help the best I can.

For a Society Game, I would check with your local Friendly Neighborhood Gaming Store and speak to the Event Coordinator or Venture-Officer on site. Your location would be helpful with getting in contact with your local Venture-Officers and who might be close to you to provide more specific details.

As far as information about Society, character creation rules are as indicated in the Second Edition Core Rulebook. Characters are part of a Faction working within the Socoety. Information on them and other PFS 2.0 related information can be found at http://www.organizedplayfoundation.org/encyclopedia/pfs2guide/. If you have any specific questions, please feel free to either post them here or message me directly.

Any clue if there’s a scene down in San Diego?

5/5 5/55/55/5

keftiu wrote:
Any clue if there’s a scene down in San Diego?

at ease games

Group website

Grand Lodge 3/5

keftiu wrote:
Any clue if there’s a scene down in San Diego?

Big Norse Wolf has beaten me with the links as I haven't been near my phone for a bit. So far, it seems that 2e is being offered every Saturday through October. There are guidelines to play at the At Ease location, and that's a $2 per slot per player fee, and to have a hardcover book, as there have been issues with players and material. If you GM, for one slot, the day is free.

Horizon Hunters

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

And in Europe?

Scarab Sages 5/5 5/5 *** Venture-Captain, Netherlands

1 person marked this as a favorite.
PietDB wrote:
And in Europe?

Which country?

I'm completely new as well and luring a few friends in to playing PF2e as PFS with me. Located in middle Sweden (northern Europe).
Will be all home games with a set party of people, but will need a lot of advice and guidance from the online community to do things correctly.

5/5 5/55/55/5

Tineke Bolleman wrote:
PietDB wrote:
And in Europe?
Which country?

Doesn't matter

Flat rolling surfaces map

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