Why do the developers insist on realism for martial characters only?

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

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the Game Mechanics are FAR WORSE than Newtonian Physics around 1800... so the Game is quite rough and not realistic along with being behind by about 300 years. I think I'm done! QED

The rest of this thread is really about relative impact or power in game terms. All of the Game RAW is descriptive fantasy role playing and does not describe Reality accurately or precisely.

JoannaGeist wrote:
Today is a good day to... halp wrote:

That being said, it isn't necessarily just "the developers" that would be insistent upon "realism" for martial characters- there's plenty of people on both the GM side of things and actual fellow PF1e players who would strongly agree with such a position. ;)

Of course, if you're interested in checking out PF2e, there's plenty of talk that purely Martial Characters could fare quite well there. :)

Why would you want martial characters to suck?

Probably more like there was a bigger audience at the time for keeping the status quo for PF1e than changing too many things outright, by my guessing. :)

BTW, Got any house-rules to change all that though?

Mebbe there's a DCC kinda mishap roll that happens if a spellcaster casts too many high level spells in a certain time frame based on a physical stat or implementing a Kineticist burn mechanic against total spells cast based on the levels of spells cast times however many spell slots that gets casted?

Or mebbe the martial characters automatically get the improved, expert versions of feats automatically? Or mebbe non-spellcasting classes get the combat stamina improved versions of all the feats that are listed at 9th level and the mythic versions of all the feats that are listed at 12th level and the improved mythic feats via combat stamina that are listed at 15th level? Mebbe add in some Elephant in the Room feat consolidations into the whole mix as well? ;)

Shadow Lodge

This is some weak thread necromancy.

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