
Rules Discussion

Dark Archive

So the target for Grease is 1 object of 1 bulk or less...

I guess that means all medium and heavy armor and fully half of martial melee weapons are immune? (2+ bulk)

is the word, is the word, is the word that you heard
It's got groove, it's got meaning...

I'll see myself out now.

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Yes, the spell listing a specific bulk limit for a targeted item means items of bulk greater than that limit are not valid targets for the spell.

Dark Archive

I guess there will be a lot of targeting of socks.


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Ouranou wrote:

So the target for Grease is 1 object of 1 bulk or less...

I guess that means all medium and heavy armor and fully half of martial melee weapons are immune? (2+ bulk)

congrats on your reading comprehension skills. yes, Grease (like many other spells) is slightly different in PF2 than it was in PF1. in other news: water is wet, the Pope is Catholic, and bears do in fact s~&% in the woods.

Ouranou wrote:
I guess there will be a lot of targeting of socks.


The only effect of targeting a sock would be to make it hard to pick up if it's not already worn - which why would someone need to bother trying to pick up the greasy sock? - or to provide the creature wearing the sock a +2 bonus against Grapple attempts.

Which I will admit is a funny visual, the whole creature being harder to grab onto because they've got that one slippery sock on, doesn't seem like a very common thing to want to do with a spell that could make your enemies fall prone or make it hard for a creature to wield it's primary weapon if you get lucky enough to catch it with it sitting nearby.

Saros Palanthios wrote:
...Grease (like many other spells) is slightly different in PF2 than it was in PF1...

Understatement of the year...

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