Increasing Magic Item Caster Level

Rules Questions

Grand Lodge


So as the title suggests I would like to know if there is a way to use a magical crafting feat to increase the caster level of an item.

A section of the CRB shown below states that:

“A creator can create an item at a lower caster level than her own, but never lower than the minimum level needed to cast the needed spell. Using metamagic feats, a caster can place spells in items at a higher level than normal.” So my question is can you increase the general CL of an item like:

Banner of the Scarlet Rose

From CL 7 to like CL 16.

The caster level factors into the DC and the price. The level can be chosen when crafting the item.

I don't know of a way to increase the caster level of an already existing item.

Arch Fline wrote:


So as the title suggests I would like to know if there is a way to use a magical crafting feat to increase the caster level of an item.

Sure, you got two options.

Increase the caster level of the magic item:

There are no general rules to dictate how much this costs since magic items should be valued after their effect, not their spell components (1st rule of magic item creation!). The closest guideline we have is for magic items that replicates spell effects, so that would in your example mean more than twice the cost to raise the CL from 7 to 16. Maybe you can convince your GM to lower it.

Add a secondary effect to an existing magic item:

The caster level of a magic item is the minimum caster level needed to cast the highest level spell. Although the Banner of the Scarlet Rose doesn't actually act as any spell in the construction requirements, they're still what decides the caster level. In this case it is the CL 7 Good Hope.
So if you took a normal Banner of the Scarlet Rose and added the ability to cast the Light cantrip once per day with a duration of 200 minutes, the cantrip would now decide the final caster level of the item.

So it would cost you [1800*0.5*20*(1/5)]*1.5 = 5,400 gp to raise the CL of the banner to 20, or 2,700 gp if you craft it yourself. The +50% increase is for adding multiple different abilities to one item.

Many GM's (including PFS) allow upgrades (increasing a bonus from +1 to +2 for the cost difference).
If you need to stretch further, it is possible to "repair" an item.
In both cases talk to your GM.

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