Ghibrani Height, Weight, Age, etc.?

General Discussion

I'm having trouble finding any vital statistics for Ghibrani (height, weight, age, etc.). I've checked Dead Suns Book 5, Society guide 2.0 and 1.1, Yesteryear's Truth, and Yesteryear's Sorrow, other than they are medium creatures I'm not finding any. Is there any official information on this subject?

I don't think they've gotten to the races introduced in Society/Adventure Paths yet for vital statistics. Might show up in Alien Archive 3.

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Did either of the first two Alien Archives provide that data? I am dubious that any Alien Archive will do that.

David knott 242 wrote:

Did either of the first two Alien Archives provide that data? I am dubious that any Alien Archive will do that.

AA2 has the info for all playable races from the first two Archive books, it's in appendix 10 in the back.

AA3 continued the tradition and included vital statistics.... but only for the 19 races contained within it's pages, not for the Adventure Path/Society races that weren't included, so Ghibrani still haven't been given such details yet.

It also continued the tradition of the Starfinder devs having absolutely no clue how weight works and whether or not the given weight ranges for a race make any sense appears to be random.


Medium, doesn't give any hints about their age. But for height and weight, if it's not defined one possibility is that they can vary in height, and weight, within the range of medium-sized creatures. 4–8 ft. 60–500 lbs.

But it is a bit odd that Vital Stats are not included for all playable species. Sounds like we need an Interstellar Species 2 covering playable species missing Vital Stats.

despite the name vital stats don't matter much.


Rule wise it looks like size is mostly just used to determine how many spaces you take up on a battle map and your reach.

Could part of the lack of rules using weight is that most of the rules dealing with weight use bulk instead?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Four years too late, but since I've noticed this now: For my home game I laid out the follow vital statistics.

Average Height: 5 – 5-1/2 ft. (husk) or 5-1/2 - 6 ft. (membrane)
Average Weight: 150-200 lbs. (husk) or 110-160 lbs. (membrane)
Age of Maturity: 10 years (both)
Maximum Age: 30+4d20 years (husk) or 50+2d20 years (membrane)

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