Gisher |

Greyblade23 wrote:
There don't seem to be any weapons that have both the [elf] and [uncommon] tags. This being the case, of what worth is the Elven Weapon Familiarity feat?
There is the Elven Curve Blade. (Uncommon Martial)
In the future they might re-introduce the Elven Thorn Blade, Elven Leaf Blade, and Elven Branch Spear.

Greyblade23 |
Arachnofiend wrote:
The Elven Curve Blade is missing the Uncommon trait on AoN, is where I suspect the mistake lies. It is appropriately called an uncommon martial weapon alongside all of the other ancestry-linked weapons in the CRB proper.
Ah, I see. Thanks for explaining - I haven't been able to afford the CRB yet, so I'm relying on AoN for character building.