So, with the completion of season 10, and presuming that no new Faction Journal Cards will be issued, can PF1 characters still be assigned a season 10 Faction Card? Or does a new PC simply ignore the Faction Journal Card system?
I'd say just keep using season 10's. But once a character has filled up their card... I guess they're stuck.
IIRC, the general rule is you cannot start a faction card once the season is over. Of course that assumes a new set of cards is released which is not the case moving forward, but until we get a definitive word from the OP leadership, the default rules would apply. Any cards that were started prior to Gen Con would be able to continue to use them.
They provided Season 10 cards at GenCon this year, which would seem to imply to me that you can still start with S10 cards.
But you know what they say about assuming things....
Thaine Hepler wrote: They provided Season 10 cards at GenCon this year, which would seem to imply to me that you can still start with S10 cards.
But you know what they say about assuming things....
That was only due to having them left over from previous cons. That might lead one to believe that you could start one, but unless/until Tonya indicates otherwise, the general rules for cards would remain in effect. AFAIK you cannot start a season card once that season is complete. The question remains, since there is no season 11, does that mean that season 10 will continue in perpetuity? Inquiring minds would like to know.
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Given that the Season 10 faction card says;
Quote: A PC joining a faction can acquire only the most recent version of a faction’s card And that the season 10 faction card is the most recent it seems both reasonable and entirely within the rules to allow players who create new characters, or existing characters who had not played season 10 and now do, to use it.
This question doesn't just apply to new PCs. What about existing PCs who, for whatever reason, weren't able to get a check on the season 10 card last year?
Yeah, the general rule is that only the most recent version of the faction card is valid to acquire. Since there will be no more faction cards, season 10 is available ad infinitum.
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Perhaps we should avoid making definitive statements until we get clarity from Tonya?
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Absolutely, until then given that both the season 10 guide and the season 10 faction journals direct players to use them I suspect we'll probably see people following that guidance, since it's the only rules regarding it we currently have.
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I talked to Tonya. The season 10 guide is the final guide, and the Season 10 faction journal cards are the final set. You can continue to use the Season 10 journal cards in perpetuity.
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Thanks for answering!
Can we start a new set every calendar year, starting at Gencon?
Airell Moonsong wrote: Thanks for answering!
Can we start a new set every calendar year, starting at Gencon?
Exactly the question I came looking for. It would be *slightly* stronger in that all the benefits would match for the "+1 to # of goals", but weaker in that you can't get *additional* benefits.
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