McDaygo |

Coat of Mist
This gossamer jacket of gray-and-white silk allows the wearer to blend into mist and become almost invisible. She gains a +5 bonus on Stealth checks in areas of fog, mist, smoke, or even heavy spray (such as from a waterfall or crashing surf). As a standard action, the wearer can gain total concealment in such conditions, regardless of the distance between her and observers. Attacking does not end this total concealment, though the wearer must remain within or adjacent to the misty area to retain total concealment. The wearer can use the total concealment ability for a total of 5 rounds per day; these rounds need not be continuous.
Once per day, the wearer of a coat of mist can turn into mist, as per gaseous form, for up to 5 rounds.
Cloak of Eternal Mist
Cool, damp mist constantly emanates from beneath this billowing, floor-length cloak. The cloak’s wearer gains a +4 bonus on Stealth checks in fog or mist. Furthermore, the cloak’s wearer is treated as being submerged in water for purposes of racial water dependency. If the cloak’s wearer does not move in a given round (and is not otherwise moved, such as when the wearer is on a moving ship or wagon or subject to a successful bull rush combat maneuver), she gains concealment at the end of her turn. The concealment lasts until the wearer moves from her position.
Do they stack?

Emo Duck |
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The bonuses to Stealth are untyped and would seem to stack.
By default, I don't think (total) concealment stacks with other sources of concealment, so if the coat-and-cloak user spends the standard action to gain total concealment, s/he would not gain a greater miss chance from remaining stationary.

Meirril |
Right but because the cloak is always giving off mist would the coat always give concealment, not total like the rounds per day but partial?
No. The coat has its conditions, and the cloak has its conditions. The cloak provides concealment if you do not move (and are not being moved). At the end of your turn you are concealed in fog. That ends as soon as you move.
You could activate the coat making you have total concealment...but if the only source of fog/mist is from the cloak as soon as you move you end the condition for the total concealment. You can't even take a 5' step because that will end the fog from the cloak.
You need a different source of fog/mist if you want to move around at all.

Derklord |

Right but because the cloak is always giving off mist would the coat always give concealment, not total like the rounds per day but partial?
Only if your GM allows you to count "Cool, damp mist constantly emanates from beneath this billowing, floor-length cloak." to count for "in areas of fog, mist, smoke, or even heavy spray", which is very unlikely, because that text is only meant to be flavor text and isn't supposed to have an actual effect (beyond the actual rule text that follows).