Any chance of getting monster / NPC creation rules early?

Pathfinder Second Edition General Discussion

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

I've been running a playtest > 2e campaign since January. One of the big problems that I'm starting to run into, now that the PCs are hitting 5th level, is that the options for humanoid enemies run out around 6th level, and beyond that it's just bigger and bigger monsters.

I know the rules for NPCs and monsters will be in the Game Mastery Guide, but that's now pushed back to January, and maybe even later. They mentioned during the playtest that they thought about releasing the monster creation rules then, but it didn't happen.

So, as the title says, any chance of throwing us GMs a bone and releasing the creation rules a bit early? Or even just some advice on how to do it in the meantime, without having to go through the full PC creation/leveling process? We can call it a playtest if you like, given that players get their new class rules early in October. ;)

(I know this is wishful thinking, but a man can dream...)

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

At the Paizo 2019 and Beyond panel, Jason did specifically mention that possibility after other mentions of the Gamemastery Guide possibly being further delayed.

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Custom-building monsters is something that's essential to Pathfinder for my group, so it's disappointing that we didn't get these rules in Bestiary 1. I would really appreciate if we didn't have to wait until January for them.

Silver Crusade

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If the book is delayed then the rules might still go up on AoN in January.

I’m in the same boat. Working our way through Legacy of Fire and I need to be able to support higher level humanoids and more. It sure would be nice to get even some quick and dirty guidance even if we didn’t get the full set of construction guidelines.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

It would perhaps have been bearable if some of the humanoid races had higher level stat blocks (like drow, orcs, hobgoblins, etc) but all of them had CR1 or CR2 mooks, and capped out at level 5 or 6 for the leader types.

I guess the APs will be a source of higher level NPCs over the next 6 months, but since I'm playing in Age of Ashes, I don't really want to look at those books (yeah, I know this is a problem of my own doing, but... eh). I've already grabbed the stat blocks from Fall of Plaguestone and the PFS scenarios for later use, but for those released so far, they cap out in that same 1 to 5ish level range.

I was just thinking about NPC Classes from PF1E (Warrior, Adept, Expert, Aristocrat) and wondering if there were any plans for such for PF2E?

Silver Crusade

Hrothgar Rannúlfr wrote:
I was just thinking about NPC Classes from PF1E (Warrior, Adept, Expert, Aristocrat) and wondering if there were any plans for such for PF2E?

Nope, NPCs are built using the same rules as monsters.

So you can get a Human 2 and just give it the skills/abilities you want if you're not giving them Class stuff.

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Thank you.

I need the rules too, so I can quickly create a version of true dragons that better suits my taste of their in-world positions. Plus NPCs that also work well numerically in a simulationist manner...

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