GenCon - Seige of Gallowspire Trading

Pathfinder Society


This may or may not be the right place to put it, but... The group I was originally planning to play with got a 6th, and I'd rather not play the really high-tier stuff with a random group. Plus, the scenario sounds like it would better fit a different character of mine.


I have a GenCon ticket for Siege of Gallowspire, subtier 15-16, Soldier (easier mode). I'd like to trade it for a 7-8 Soldier ticket for the same event. Any takers?

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

After checking a few of the ticket listings are in error. We will have to notify Gen Con on Monday. One of those is 10-98 7-8 soldier. It only shows 48 tickets, but should be 72. So keep an eye out and you will be able to get the ticket for the table you want.


Bob Jonquet wrote:
After checking a few of the ticket listings are in error. We will have to notify Gen Con on Monday. One of those is 10-98 7-8 soldier. It only shows 48 tickets, but should be 72. So keep an eye out and you will be able to get the ticket for the table you want.

Sadly, that has already failed. When the first batch of extra tickets went up, I was fortunate enough to find an available 7-8 Soldier. GenCon wouldn't let me buy it, because "it conflicted with another ticket." I tried saying it was a ticket for someone else, and GenCon still refused. I'll keep looking, but my assumption was that a restriction was put in place for the special.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

I'm not aware of any restriction. Gen Con customer service might be able to help if you can get them on the phone. Otherwise, you may be able to exchange tickets on site if there is any availability.


The new batch of tickets is up, but I'm definitely still getting that error.

"Event RPG19160954 conflicts with event(s) RPG19160957 for <name>"


shaventalz wrote:

The new batch of tickets is up, but I'm definitely still getting that error.

"Event RPG19160954 conflicts with event(s) RPG19160957 for <name>"

I had the same problem and sent an email to GenCon customer service. If/when they get back to me, I'll share their response here.

Liberty's Edge 3/5 5/5 **** Venture-Captain, Nebraska—Omaha

It conflicts because the times are the same. And you cannot return tickets right now.

So you have to wait until your at the con at customer service to return and get a new ticket.

That is how the GenCon ticketing works.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Only workaround I can see is adding a friend and buying it for them, if the system isn't borked on that too.


Above two posts are exactly what the GenCon customer rep said in his email reply to me.


Gary Bush wrote:

It conflicts because the times are the same. And you cannot return tickets right now.

That is how the GenCon ticketing works.

So I have to ask (and no, I'm not blaming you or claiming you have any say in how this works.)

If that's how GenCon ticketing works and is intended to work, why is there the option to buy "another ticket for me"? I'm curious as to why there would be a box specifically for buying two tickets to an event when you're only ever allowed one.


It does allow you to buy two, one for yourself and one for an unspecified friend, but it has to be for the same event. I agree there is a certain inconsistency to the logic, but that is the small amount of flexibility they allow. The way my group was finally able to get everyone together was by three people buying one for themselves and one for another member of the team when more tickets became available.

Liberty's Edge 3/5 5/5 **** Venture-Captain, Nebraska—Omaha

I can't speak to how GenCon wrote their tickinging software. Sorry

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 *

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

It's probably trying to assign the new purchase directly to you, but you already purchased in a previous transaction. I'd call GenCon customer support. Any time I've bought for another, its always defaulted me as being one of the purchases.

It's meant so you can purchase a stack of tickets for an event but you don't have the accounts linked you can still purchase them. (Usually seen in TD runs, where you buy the whole run, and then recoop from the other players either by ghosting the run (still get the stuff), getting the end treasure, or money).

Grand Lodge 4/5

We have a party trying to muster 6 15-16 champion tickets and have 5... we have several 12-13 champion tickets for trade! Anyone out there?


Still got that 15-16, looking for a 7-8. Any takers? The game's tomorrow night, so you've still got time to find the other character sheet.


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Managed to return the 15-16 ticket and get a 7-8 that appeared, so my original ticket should be back in the system for purchase.

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